Are you learning Italian but panic when it’s time to speak Italian? Or maybe you’re off to Italy and just need a few key phrases to chat with the locals? No worries – I’m here to help! In this guide, you’ll learn 100 essential Italian phrases to confidently handle various everyday situations – from ordering food to finding your way around those charming Italian piazzas. By the end, you’ll have a set of Italian phrases ready to roll off the tongue to make a bella figura (great impression)!
But first, make sure to download your free PDF cheat-sheet, which includes all the key points we’ll cover in this guide. Just enter your email below and I’ll send it to you straight away.
By the way, want to improve your Italian quickly and having fun doing it? I thought so! If you’re a beginner, I recommend Intrepid Italian, my comprehensive self-paced programme that teaches you through the power of my unique 80/20 method. The course covers everything you need to know as a beginner in Italian. Join now for lifetime access and my 30-Day “Celebrate with a Spritz” money-back guarantee by clicking here.
Or if you’re already at the intermediate level, why not enrol in Intrepid Italian for Advanced Beginners (A2) or Intrepid Italian for Intermediates (B1), my more advanced programmes that helps you master the trickiest aspects of Italian grammar while as you edge closer to fluency in Italian.
Table to Contents
Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide. Click on any title to jump to each section.
- Familiarizing yourself with basic conversational Italian
- A note on the Italian formal “you”
- 100 Most Common Italian Phrases for Basic Conversational Italian
- Basic Italian phrases for everyday use
- Popular Italian greetings
- Introductions and getting to know people in Italian
- Asking questions in Italian
- Ordering food and drinks in Italy
- Asking for directions in Italian
- Shopping in Italy
- Navigating tickets and transportation in Italian
- Dealing with accommodation in Italian
- Asking for help in Italian during emergencies
Familiarizing yourself with basic conversational Italian
Learning Italian fluently can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially with all those grammar rules, verb tenses, and idiomatic expressions. But here’s the good news: you don’t need to master everything right away to start speaking confidently. In fact, practicing basic conversation skills early on is one of the best ways to improve quickly! It helps you build confidence, get used to the rhythm of the language, and feel more comfortable with real-world communication.
When you start familiarizing yourself with common Italian phrases, you give yourself the tools to interact in basic but meaningful ways, without constantly falling back on English. You’ll find that locals truly appreciate your effort to speak their language, no matter how basic it might be at first. And let’s be honest – there’s nothing more satisfying than being able to understand and be understood in another language!
A note on the Italian formal “you”
Before we dive into the phrases, there’s one important thing to keep in mind: the distinction between formal and informal speech in Italian. Italian use two different forms of the pronoun “you,” depending on whom they are talking to:
- Tu (informal): This is what you use when speaking to friends, family members, or children. It’s equivalent to the English “you.”
- Lei (formal): This is for when you’re speaking to someone you don’t know well, or to show respect to someone older or in a position of authority. This pronoun uses the third-person singular form of the verb. In southern Italy, you may also hear Voi used as a formal “you,” but this is less common in modern Italian.
In this guide, we’ll focus on the informal “tu” for the phrases. However, remember that by conjugating your verbs to the third-person singular, you can easily adapt these phrases for formal situations as well!
100 Most Common Italian Phrases for Basic Conversational Italian
The phrases I’ve selected for this guide are designed for everyday conversations – no complicated grammar or fancy expressions. These are the everyday, practical sentences that will help you start chatting with native Italian speakers from day one.
So, without further ado, here’s my list of 100 common Italian phrases with pronunciation. I’ve grouped them by topic to make it easy for you to focus on specific situations.
Basic Italian phrases for everyday use
To start with, here’s some basic Italian that can be applied to various situations. Phrase #11 is particularly versatile – you can use it for anything from a train schedule that doesn’t match your plans to sizes that aren’t quite right for you!
Basic Italian phrases for everyday use | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
1 | Excuse me, can I ask you a question? | Scusa, posso farti una domanda? | Skoo-zah, poh-soh fahr-tee oo-nah doh-mahn-dah? |
2 | Can you repeat, please? | Puoi ripetere, per favore? | Pwoo-ee ree-peh-teh-reh, pehr fah-voh-reh? |
3 | Please speak more slowly | Parla più lentamente per favore | Pahr-lah pyoo lehn-tah-men-teh, pehr fah-voh-reh. |
4 | Do you speak English? | Parli inglese? | Par-lee een-gleh-zeh? |
5 | How do you say… in Italian? | Come si dice in italiano…? | Koh-meh see dee-cheh een ee-tah-lee-ah-noh…? |
6 | I don’t understand | Non capisco | Non kah-pee-skoh |
7 | How can I…? | Come posso fare per…? | Koh-meh poh-soh fah-reh pehr…? |
8 | What time is it? | Che ore sono | Keh oh-reh soh-noh? |
9 | It’s 10 o’clock / At 10 | Sono le 10 / Alle 10 | Soh-noh leh dee-eh-chee / Ah-leh dee-eh-chee |
10 | At what time? | A che ora? | Ah keh oh-rah? |
11 | That doesn’t work | Non va bene | Non vah beh-neh |
Want more phrases? If you’re eager to expand your Italian vocabulary, be sure to check out these lists of common Italian words and verbs, as well as my guides to mastering time, numbers and days of the week!
Popular Italian greetings
What is a conversation without a proper greeting? A sincere “hello,” along with a warm smile, is often the key ingredient to any successful interaction. Here are the basic Italian greetings you need to break the ice and engage in delightful conversations with locals:
Popular Italian greetings | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
12 | Hello | Ciao | Chow |
13 | Hi | Salve | Sal-veh |
14 | Good morning | Buongiorno | Bwohn-johr-noh |
15 | Good evening | Buonasera | Bwoh-nah-seh-rah |
16 | Goodbye | Arrivederci | Ah-ree-veh-dehr-chee |
Curious about the many ways to greet people in Italian? Don’t miss my guide to Italian greetings to discover the most popular Italian greetings and discover how to start your conversations with confidence and charm!
Introductions and getting to know people in Italian
Whether you’re traveling through Italy or connecting with an Italian speaker from home, being able to introduce yourself and ask questions is the perfect way to break the ice. The phrases below will not only help you share a bit about yourself but also get to know others in a friendly, natural way.
Introductions and getting to know people in Italian | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
17 | My name is… | Mi chiamo… | Mee kee-ah-moh… |
18 | What’s your name? | Come ti chiami? | Koh-meh tee kee-ah-mee? |
19 | Nice to meet you! | Piacere di conoscerti! | Pee-ah-cheh-reh dee koh-noh-shehr-tee |
20 | Where are you from? | Di dove sei? | Dee doh-veh say? |
21 | I’m from… | Sono di… | Soh-noh dee… |
22 | I live in… | Vivo a… | Vee-voh ah… |
23 | What do you do? | Di cosa ti occupi? | Dee koh-zah tee ohk-koo-pee? |
24 | Would you like to have a drink? | Ti va di bere qualcosa? | Tee vah dee beh-reh kwahl-koh-sah? |
Want to truly master the art of breaking the ice in Italian? Check out my step-by-step guide to introducing yourself in Italian and start making friends!
Asking questions in Italian
Questions are the gateway to connection and discovery, allowing you to uncover the rich tapestry of Italian culture. To help you master the art of inquiry, here are the essential question words you need to form your own engaging questions in Italian:
Common question words in Italian | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
25 | How is it made? | Come è fatto? | Koh-meh eh fah-toh? |
26 | How much does it weigh? | Quanto pesa? | Kwahn-toh peh-zah? |
27 | What does this word mean? | Cosa significa questa parola? | Koh-zah seen-ee-fee-kah kweh-stah pah-roh-lah? |
28 | When does the museum open? | Quando apre il museo? | Kwahn-doh ah-preh eel moo-zeh-oh? |
29 | Where is the ticket office? | Dove si trova la biglietteria? | Doh-veh see troh-vah lah bee-lyet-teh-ree-ah? |
30 | Which tram should I take? | Quale tram devo prendere? | Kwah-leh tram deh-voh prehn-deh-reh? |
31 | Who is in charge here? | Chi è il responsabile qui? | Kee eh eel reh-spohn-sah-bee-leh kwee? |
32 | Why is it called that way? | Perchè si chiama così? | Pehr-keh see kee-ah-mah koh-zee? |
To make sure you’re using these question words correctly, head over to my guide on how to use question words in Italian – it covers everything from forming sentences to understanding intonation!
Ordering food and drinks in Italy
Few things immerse you in Italy’s rich culture quite like its food and drinks. Imagine yourself at a sun-drenched café or a charming trattoria, exchanging friendly chats with the waitress! By familiarizing yourself with some basic conversational phrases for ordering food and drinks, you’ll elevate your dining experience to new levels, creating fun memories with every meal.
Basic conversational Italian for ordering food and drinks | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
33 | Can I book a table? | Posso prenotare un tavolo? | Poh-soh preh-noh-tah-reh oon tah-voh-loh? |
34 | A table for 2 please | Un tavolo per 2 per favore | Oon tah-voh-loh pehr doo-eh, pehr fah-voh-reh |
35 | Can I see the menu, please? | Posso vedere il menù per favore? | Poh-soh veh-deh-reh eel meh-noo, pehr fah-voh-reh? |
36 | Do you have a menu in English? | Avete il menù in inglese? | Ah-veh-teh eel meh-noo een een-glay-zeh? |
37 | What’s today’s special? | Qual è il piatto del giorno? | Kwahl eh eel pyaht-toh del jor-noh? |
38 | What do you recommend? | Cosa ci consiglia? | Koh-zah chee con-seel-yah? |
39 | What does this dish include? | Cosa c’è in questo piatto? | Koh-zah cheh een kweh-stoh pyaht-toh? |
40 | I’m allergic to… | Sono allergico/a a… | Soh-noh ah-lehr-jee-koh/ah ah… |
41 | I’m vegetarian | Sono vegetariano/a | Soh-noh veh-jeh-tah-ree-ah-noh/nah |
42 | How is the house wine? | Com’è il vino della casa? | Koh-meh eel vee-noh deh-lah kah-zah? |
43 | I’ll have… | Prendo… | Prehn-doh… |
44 | I’d like a coffee, please | Vorrei un caffè per favore | Vohr-ray oon kah-feh pehr fah-voh-reh) |
45 | Can you pack it to take away? | Me lo può impacchettare per portarlo via? | Meh loh pwoh eem-pahk-keh-tah-reh pehr pohr-tahr-loh vee-ah? |
46 | The bill, please | Il conto per favore | Eel ko-toh, pehr fah-voh-reh |
For more helpful phrases and tips, check out my guides to ordering food and drinks in Italian and tipping in Italy. And if you are a coffee lover, don’t miss all my tips to order coffee in Italy like a pro!
Asking for directions in Italian
In a world where navigation apps often guide our every step, it’s easy to overlook the beauty of human interaction. However, when you find yourself wandering the enchanting streets of Italy, knowing how to ask for directions in Italian can transform your journey into fun memories. And even if you don’t catch every word of the response, mastering a few key phrases will give you enough context to find your way.
Common phrases for asking directions in Italian | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
47 | Where is…? | Dov’è…? | Doh-veh…? |
48 | I’m looking for… | Sto cercando… | Stoh cher-kan-doh… |
49 | I’m lost | Mi sono perso / persa | Mee soh-noh pehr-soh / pehr-sah |
50 | How can I get to…? | Come posso arrivare a…? | Koh-meh poh-soh ah-ree-vah-reh ah…? |
51 | How far is…? | Quanto dista…? | Kwan-toh dee-stah…? |
52 | How long does it take to get to…? | Quanto ci vuole per arrivare a…? | Kwan-toh chee vwoh-leh pehr ah-ree-vah-reh ah…? |
53 | Is there a… nearby? | C’è un… vicino? | Cheh oon… vee-chee-noh? |
54 | Where is the bathroom? | Dov’è il bagno? | Doh-veh eel bah-nyoh? |
55 | Can you take me to this address? | Mi può portare a questo indirizzo? | Mee pwoh por-tah-reh ah kweh-stoh een-dee-reet-tsoh? |
Check out my guide to asking directions in Italian for a list of common direction words and useful vocabulary for locations. Oh, and don’t forget to take a look at all the ways to ask where is the bathroom in italian – perhaps not so glamorous, but definitely a lifesaver!
Shopping in Italy
Whether it’s bargaining in the lively markets of Palermo or searching for the perfect outfit in Rome’s chic boutiques, knowing what to say will make all the difference. You’ll confidently engage with local vendors, ask about their products, and even steer clear of potential scams!
Basic conversational Italian for shopping | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
56 | I would like… | Vorrei… | Vor-ray… |
57 | How much is it? | Quanto costa? | Kwan-toh koh-stah? |
58 | How much does it cost per kilo? | Quanto costa al chilo? | Kwan-toh koh-stah ahl kee-loh? |
59 | Can I try this on? | Posso provare questo / questa? | Poh-soh proh-var-eh kweh-stoh / kweh-stah? |
60 | Do you have a bigger/smaller size? | Avete una taglia più grande/piccola? | Ah-veh-teh oo-nah tah-lyah pyoo gran-deh / pee-koh-lah? |
61 | I like it, I’ll take it | Mi piace, lo/la prendo | Mee pya-chay, lo/la prehn-doh |
62 | Do you accept credit cards? | Accettate carte di credito? | Ah-chet-tah-teh kar-teh dee creh-dee-toh? |
63 | Can I pay in cash? | Posso pagare in contanti? | Poh-soh pah-gah-reh een kon-tahn-tee? |
64 | Can I have a small discount? | Posso avere un piccolo sconto? | Poh-soh ah-veh-reh oon peek-koh-loh skon-toh? |
65 | I’m just taking a look, thank you | Do solo un’occhiata, grazie | Doh soh-loh oon-ohk-kyah-tah, grah-tsyeh |
66 | When do the sales start? | Quando iniziano i saldi? | Kwahn-doh ee-nee-tsee-ah-noh ee sahl-dee? |
67 | Do you ship internationally? | Fate spedizioni internazionali? | Fah-teh speh-deet-see-oh-nee een-ter-naht-zee-oh-nah-lee? |
68 | I don’t want it! | Non lo voglio! | Non lo vol-yoh! |
Navigating tickets and transportation in Italian
Finding one’s way through the public transportation system and purchasing tickets for attractions can sometimes pose a few challenges, especially in small villages where hardly anyone speaks English. In this section, I’ll give you some essential Italian phrases that will help you confidently find your way around cities and secure tickets smoothly.
Common phrases for tickets and transportation in Italian | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
69 | I’m looking for the subway | Cerco la metropolitana | Cher-koh lah meh-troh-poh-lee-tah-nah |
70 | Where is the train station / bus stop? | Dov’è la stazione / la fermata dell’autobus? | Doh-veh lah stah-tzee-oh-neh / lah fehr-mah-tah dell ow-toh-boos? |
71 | Where can I find a taxi? | Dove posso trovare un taxi? | Doh-veh poh-sso troh-vah-reh oon tahk-see? |
72 | I need to go to the airport | Devo andare all’aeroporto | Deh-voh ahn-dah-reh ahl-air-oh-por-toh |
73 | One ticket please | Un biglietto per favore | Oon bee-glyeht-toh, pehr fah-voh-reh |
74 | A one-way ticket, please | Un biglietto di sola andata per favore | Oon bee-glyeht-toh dee soh-lah ahn-dah-tah, pehr fah-voh-reh |
75 | A return ticket, please | Un biglietto di andata e ritorno per favore | Oon bee-glyeht-toh dee ahn-dah-tah eh ree-tor-noh, pehr fah-voh-reh |
76 | Are there reduced prices for children / students / seniors? | Ci sono prezzi ridotti per bambini/ studenti/ pensionati? | Chee soh-noh pret-tsee ree-dot-tee pehr bam-bee-nee / stoo-den-tee / pen-syo-nah-tee? |
77 | Do I have to validate the ticket? | Devo obliterare il biglietto? | Deh-voh oh-blee-teh-rah-reh eel bee-glyeht-toh? |
78 | What time does the train / bus arrive? | A che ora arriva il treno / autobus? | Ah keh oh-rah ah-ree-vah eel tray-noh/ow-toh-boos? |
79 | What time does the train / bus depart? | A che ora parte il treno / autobus? | Ah keh oh-rah par-teh eel tray-noh/ow-toh-boos? |
Be sure to check out my Italy travel tips to avoid tourist traps and live authentic experiences as you explore the beautiful landscapes and rich culture of Italy!
Dealing with accommodation in Italian
When you’re staying in Italy, especially in smaller bed and breakfasts or countryside inns, it’s a good idea to have some basic Italian phrases up your sleeve. While staff at larger chains usually speak good English, employees in smaller establishments may not. Below, you’ll find some useful phrases to help with your accommodation needs, whether it’s discussing a reservation or asking about hotel amenities.
Dealing with accommodation in Italian | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
80 | Do you have any rooms available? | Avete camere disponibili ? | Aah-veh-teh kah-meh-reh dee-spoh-nee-bee-lee? |
81 | I would like to book a double room / a twin room with single beds | Vorrei prenotare una camera matrimoniale / doppia con letti singoli | Voh-rray preh-noh-tah-reh oo-nah kah-meh-rah mah-tree-moh-nyah-leh / dohp-pyah kohn let-tee seen-goh-lee |
82 | I have a reservation under the name of… | Ho una prenotazione a nome di… | Oh oo-nah preh-noh-tah-tsyoh-neh ah noh-meh dee… |
83 | The room is too small / noisy. Is it possible to change it? | La stanza è troppo piccola / rumorosa. È possibile cambiarla? | Lah stahn-zah eh troh-poh peek-koh-lah / roo-moh-roh-sah. Eh poh-see-bee-leh kahm-byar-lah? |
84 | What time is breakfast / checkout? | A che ora è la colazione? | Ah keh oh-rah eh lah koh-lah-tsyoh-neh / eel check-out? |
85 | Can I leave my luggage here after checkout? | Posso lasciare i bagagli qui dopo il check out? | Poh-soh lah-shyah-reh ee bah-gahl-yee kwee doh-poh eel check-out? |
86 | Is there WiFi? | C’è il WiFi? | Cheh eel wee-fee? |
87 | What’s the WiFi password? | Qual è la password del WiFi? | Kwal eh lah pahss-word del wee-fee? |
88 | The air conditioning / heating isn’t working | L’aria condizionata / Il riscaldamento non funziona | Lar-ee-ah kohn-dee-tsee-oh-nah-tah / eel ree-scal-dah-men-toh nohn foon-tsee-oh-nah |
89 | Do you have a map of the city? | Avete una mappa della città? | Ah-veh-teh oo-nah mah-pah del-lah chee-tah? |
90 | Can you recommend a good restaurant? | Ci potete consigliare un buon ristorante? | Chee poh-teh-teh kohn-see-lyah-reh oon bwon ree-stoh-rahn-teh? |
Asking for help in Italian during emergencies
Imagine you’re in a situation where you need help urgently, but no one around speaks English. This is where knowing some key Italian emergency phrases can truly make a difference. So, let’s arm you with some key expressions to help you navigate emergencies with confidence and… che Dio ce la mandi buona (let’s hope for the best)!
Asking for help in Italian during emergencies | |||
English | Italian | Pronunciation | |
91 | Help! | Aiuto! | Ah-yoo-toh! |
92 | Watch out! | Attenzione! | Aht-ten-tsyoh-neh! |
93 | There’s an emergency | C’è un’emergenza | Cheh oon eh-mer-jen-tsah |
94 | Call the police / an ambulance | Chiama la polizia / un’ambulanza | Kya-mah lah poh-lee-tsee-ah / oon ahm-boo-lahn-tsah |
95 | I feel sick | Sto male | Stoh mah-leh |
96 | Where is the hospital? | Dov’è l’ospedale? | Doh-veh lohs-peh-dah-leh? |
97 | I need a doctor | Ho bisogno di un dottore | Oh bee-zoh-n’yoh dee oon doh-toh-reh |
98 | Can you help me, please? | Puoi aiutarmi per favore? | Pwoy ah-yoo-tar-mee pehr fah-voh-reh? |
99 | Someone stole my bag / my wallet! | Qualcuno mi ha rubato la borsa / il portafoglio! | Kwal-koo-noh mee ah roo-bah-toh lah bor-sahe / el por-tah-foh-lyoh! |
100 | Go away! | Vai via! | Vy vee-ah! |
If you found this guide useful, then you’ll love Intrepid Italian, my series of online self-paced video courses that break down everything you need to know about Italian using my 80/20 method. Visit for more details.
Are you a beginner or an intermediate Italian learner? Got a trip coming up or want to communicate with your Italian partner or relatives in Italian? Learn Italian with my unique 80/20 method
Registrations are now open to join Intrepid Italian, my new series of online video courses that use my unique 80/20 method. You’ll go from a shy, confused beginner to a proficient and confident intermediate speaker, with me as your trusty guide.
You’ll finally be able to connect with your Italian partner, speak to your relatives and enjoy authentic travel experiences in Italy that you’ve always dreamed of, and so much more.
As a native English speaker who learned Italian as an adult, I know what it’s like to feel hopeless and lack the confidence to speak. I know what it’s like to start from scratch and to even go back to absolute basics and learn what a verb is!
Intrepid Italian was created with YOU in mind. I use my working knowledge of the English language to help you get into the ‘Italian mindset’ so you can avoid the common pitfalls and errors English speakers make – because I made them once too! I break everything down in such a way that it ‘clicks’ and just makes sense.
No matter what your level is, there is an Intrepid Italian course for you, including:
- 🇮🇹 Intrepid Italian for Beginners (A1)
- 🇮🇹 Intrepid Italian for Advanced Beginners (A2)
- 🇮🇹 Intrepid Italian for Intermediates (B1)
You can join 1, 2, or all 3 courses, it’s entirely up to you. The best part is that you have lifetime access so you learn anytime, anywhere and on any device.
As your guide, I walk you through each lesson, step-by-step, using my unique 80/20 method. My approach is different from traditional methods because I teach you the most important 20% of the language right from the beginning so you can start to speak straight away.
Each course includes video lessons, audio exercises, downloadable worksheets, bonus guides, a private support community, and lifetime access all designed to streamline your learning while having fun.
It even comes with my famous “Celebrate with a Spritz Guarantee”. After 30 days of using Intrepid Italian, if you don’t want to celebrate your new-found Italian skills with an Aperol Spritz, you don’t have to pay a penny! Cheers! 🥂
Join Intrepid Italian here and start learning today!
Ci vediamo lì! (See you there!)
Learning Italian? Check out these Italian language guides
- Italian for Beginners | How to Learn Italian in 3 Simple Steps
- TOP 100 Most Common Italian Words (Plus PDF Cheat-Sheet & Quiz)
- Italian Prepositions:The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need (PLUS Chart)
- 17 Weird Italian Superstitions Italians ACTUALLY Live By
- 17 Must-Know Italian Hand Gestures: The Ultimate Guide
- 10 Ways Natives REALLY Say ‘You’re Welcome’ in Italian
- How to say ‘Please’ in Italian in 9 Ways Like a Native
- 41 Italian Greetings: How to Say ‘Hello’ in Italian Like a Local
- 125 Most Common Italian Phrases for Travel You’ll Ever Need [PLUS Printable]
- 8 DEADLY mistakes in Italian (& How to Avoid Them)
- How to Conjugate Italian Verbs in 3 Simple Steps [Italian for Beginners]
- Is Italian Hard to Learn? 7 Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
- Master Days of the Week in Italian (7 Simple Memory Hacks)
- Italian Numbers: How to Count in Italian From 0 to 1 Billion (Plus PDF Download)
- How to Order Food & Drinks in Italian [Italian for Beginners]
- 15 Italian Words You Should NEVER Mispronounce [& How Not To]
- 11 Effective Hacks That’ll Help You Learn Italian So Much Faster
- Top 14 Italian Words You Should NEVER Say [& What to Use Instead]
- 20 Hilarious Everyday Italian Expressions You Should Use
- Romanesco: 25 Cool Roman Dialect Words You Should Use in Rome
- 10 Reasons Why Learning Italian Will Change Your Life
- 10 Italian Expressions Italians Love Saying
- 10 Italian Phrases That Will Instantly Make You Sound more Italian
- Funny Italian Sayings: 26 Food-Related Insults You Won’t Forget
- 15 Romantic Italian Films That’ll Make You Love Italy Even More
- How to Master Common Italian Phrases for Travel (Like a Local!)
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