Home Language Resources 70+ Survival Portuguese Travel Phrase Guide with Pronunciation

70+ Survival Portuguese Travel Phrase Guide with Pronunciation

by Michele
portuguese travel phrases common portuguese phrases travel phrase guide
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Whilst wandering amongst the medieval castles and cobblestone villages, make your Portugal experience even more special and learn these common Portuguese phrases.

Having just returned from a once in a lifetime trip to the volcanic archipelago of the Azores (something I highly recommend), I thought it appropriate to dedicate my next post in my travel phrase guide series to Portuguese! That’s right, I’ve brought together a bunch of super useful and common Portuguese phrases along with a pronunciation guide.

Even though Portugal covers a relatively small area, it played a crucial role in world history.

During the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal started a major chapter in world history with the New World Discoveries known as “Descobrimentos” in Portuguese.

As the Portuguese established a sea route to India, colonized areas in Africa (including Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde), South America (Brazil), Asia (Macau), and Oceania (East-Timor) thus creating an empire.

It is because of this that the Portuguese language continues to be the biggest connection between these countries and a great reason for learning the language.

Why else should you learn Portuguese? Well, it makes learning other languages, especially Romance languages like Spanish, Italian, French and Romanian much easier.

Want to have fun whilst learning European Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese? Struggling to find decent Portuguese language resources available? I recommend getting uTalk. Available as a desktop site and app, uTalk is awesome for learning key words and phrases in Portuguese (both European and Brazilian), especially if you want to use it for travel purposes.  It’s great for beginners getting started in a language and invaluable for intermediates looking to fill in gaps in their vocabulary and pronunciation. 

What I love most about uTalk is that you can jump around their extensive library of topics and choose what you want to learn, when you want, and at your own pace.  Because I believe in uTalk so much, I reached out to them and we’ve teamed up to offer you an exclusive 30% OFF reader discount across all of uTalk’s 140 languages! This offer isn’t available anywhere else! Click here to claim your exclusive 30% discount in Brazillian Portuguese and European Portuguese here.

Let’s take a quick look at the Portuguese language so you’re a bit more clued up on its origin, use, and vocabulary.

I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed bringing it together. If you have any requests for other languages, let me know in the comments section!

Where is Portuguese spoken?

Portuguese is the sole official language of Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Angola, and São Tomé and Príncipe.

It also has official language status in East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, and Macau in China! (The latter came as a surprise to me too!)

As mentioned above, due to the expansion during colonial times, Portuguese and Portuguese creole speakers can also be found in Goa, India, Sri Lanka; Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Caribbean where Papiamento is spoken, while Cape Verdean Creole is the most widely spoken Portuguese-based Creole.

In both English and Portuguese, Portuguese-speaking people and nations are referred to as “Lusophone”.

There are well over 250 million Portuguese native speakers, with 200 million of that population residing in Brazil!

The Portuguese in this travel phrase guide is of the European usage which differs from the Brazilian in both sounds and pronunciation. Read my guide on the main differences between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese.

A brief history of Portuguese

Being a Romance language, Portuguese is a descendant of Latin, which was brought to the Iberian Peninsula by Roman soldiers, settlers, and merchants from 218 BC.

It wasn’t until 1290 that King Denis decreed that Portuguese, which was simply called the “Vulgar language” (i.e. Vulgar Latin) should be known as the “Portuguese language” and should be used officially. By the 15th century, Portuguese had become a mature language with a rich literature.

Because of the New World Discoveries made between the 14th and 16th century, the great majority of Portuguese speakers live in Brazil, in South America.

Portuguese Vocabulary

Even though the Portuguese and Brazilians speak the same language, due to cultural and historical differences the language has evolved over the years. Curious at just how different European Portuguese is from Brazilian Portuguese?

Here are some examples of just how different it can be.

English BR Portuguese EU Portuguese
Train Trem Comboio
Bus Ônibus Autocarro
Suit Terno Fato
Buttocks Bunda Rabo
Ice Cream Sorvete Gelado
Cup Xícara Chávena
Refrigerator Geladeira Frigorífico
Brown Marrom Castanho

Portuguese Pronunciation

Whilst there are loads of pronunciation rules out there (too many to list here for simple travel phrase guide), as a general rule of thumb, remember to place the stress on the penultimate (second-last) syllable.

Here come the exceptions…

Don’t stress the penultimate syllable if it has an accent, or the word ends with a diphthong (that is, 2 vowels which are pronounced as a single syllable), or if it ends with any of the following letters: i, l, r, z, im, um, ins, uns – in which case, the stress is on the last syllable.

P.S. If you’re reading this on your phone and can’t see the pronunciation column, turn it to landscape mode. For some reason, tables aren’t mobile friendly. Sorry!

Basic Portuguese Phrases for Travellers

Basic Portuguese Phrases Guide

Want the infographic to take with you? Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Eating Out
Getting Around

English Portuguese Pronunciation


Hello Olá oh-lah
Good morning Bom dia bom dee-ah
Good evening Boa tarde bo-ah tar-deh
Good night Boa noite bo-ah noyt
Goodbye Adeus/Tchau a-de-us / chow
How are you? Como está? ko-mo es-tah?
I’m well, and you? Eu estou bem, e tu? eu es-tou behm, eh too?
Good, thanks Bem, obrigado / (m.) obrigada (f.) behm ob-ree-gah-doh/dah


Please Por favor por fa-vor
Thank you Obrigado (m.) / obrigada (f.) ob-ree-gah-doh/dah
You’re welcome De nada de na-dah
Yes Sim sim
No Não naoum
Excuse me Com licença kom lee-sen-sah
I’m sorry Desculpa / lamento des-kool-pah
I don’t understand Não compreendo naoum kom-preh-en-doh
Do you speak English? Fala inglês? fa-la in-gles


How much is…? Quanto custa…? kwan-toh kos-tah
Where is…? Onde é…? ond-jeh eh
When? Quando? kwan-doh
May I please have…? Pode dar me…, por favor? pod-je dar meh por fa-vor

Eating Out

Beer Cerveja ser-ve-jah
Wine Vinho vin-yo
Water Agua ah-gwa
I don’t eat… Não como naoum ko-moh
I’m a vegetarian Sou vegetariano (m.)/ vegetariana (f.) sow ve-ge-ta-re-en-no/noh
the bill, please A conta, por favor a kon-tah por fa-vor

Getting Around

Left Esquerda es-ker-da
Right Direita djee-rey-ta
Straight ahead Sempre em frente se-pre em fren-chee
Turn left Vira a esquerda vi-rai a es-ker-da
Turn right Vire à direita vi-rai a djee-rey-ta
Bus stop Paragem de autocarro pa-ra-jem dje au-to-kar-ro
Train station Estação de comboio es-ta-sao dje kom-boy-o
Airport Aeroporto ah-eh-roh-por-toh
Entrance Entrada en-tra-da
Exit Saida sigh-da


1 Um um
2 Dois doys
3 Três três
4 Quatro kwa-tro
5 Cinco sin-ko
6 Seis seys
7 Sete seh-chee
8 Oito oy-to
9 Nove noh-ve
10 Dez dez
20 Vinte vin-chee
30 Trinta treen-tah
40 Quarenta kwa-ren-ta
50 Cinquenta sin-kwen-ta
60 Sessenta seh-ssen-ta
70 Setenta seh-ten-ta
80 Oitenta oy-ten-ta
90 Noventa noh-ven-ta
100 Cem sem


Monday Segunda Feira se-gun-da fey-ra
Tuesday Terça Feira ter-sa fey-ra
Wednesday Quarta Feira kwar-ta fey-ra
Thursday Quinta Feira kwin-ta fey-ra
Friday Sexta Feira ses-ta fey-ra
Saturday Sábado sah-bah-doh
Sunday Domingo doh-min-goh


Help! Socorro! so-kor-ho
I need a doctor Eu preciso de um médico eu pre-si-zo de um meh-de-ko
I don’t feel well Nâo me sinto bem naum me sin-to behm
Call the police! Chama a policia xa-ma a po-lee-see-a
Fire! Fogo! fo-go

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common Portuguese phrases and travel phrase guide

Want more? Here are some hilarious Portuguese expressions!

Want to visit Portugal? Don’t miss these travel guides

Want to know more about learning languages? Start here!

Over to you!

Which of these common Portuguese phrases do you find most useful? Which other phrases would you like to know? Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post.

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Beatriz January 3, 2018 - 22:28

Hi Michele,

Great article, it’s really funny to see my own language dissected like that!

Thank you for the highlight on Portugal and the Portuguese language!


Basil Pereira November 6, 2017 - 05:42

Hey Michele. What a great article. These will come in very handy for my next trip. Keep up the good work.


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