Home Language HacksItalian Top 24 Most Important Verbs in Italian [Plus PDF Cheat-Sheet & Quiz]

Top 24 Most Important Verbs in Italian [Plus PDF Cheat-Sheet & Quiz]

Learning Italian? Here are the most common Italian verbs you need to know for everyday conversation

by Michele Frolla
Common Italian Verbs List
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If you’re a beginner and want to build up your Italian vocabulary, you definitely need to know the most common Italian verbs to boost your speaking and writing skills! Verbs are the building blocks of a sentence because they enable us to express ourselves in a variety of situations. Whether we’re giving directions to a stranger, ordering food at a restaurant, or making small talk with friends, verbs are at the core of how we do this. With verbs, we can say a lot with very little and convey what we want to say in a concise and clear way. 

In this guide, I’ll show you some of the most common Italian verbs that are commonly used by native speakers and that you can use straight away and even adapt them to use in various situations.

In Italian, a conjugated verb gives us many pieces of information, such as the person and the tense. That’s why personal pronouns (i.e “I”, “you”, “she”, etc.) are generally left out (as in the examples you’ll see in this guide) and only used when you want to emphasize them.

If need to brush up on your verb conjugation in the present tense, check out my guide here on conjugating Italian verbs to refresh your memory.

Now let’s take a look at 24 super-powerful Italian verbs. These have been divided into their verb family along with their conjugation in the present tense, example sentences, and there is even a little quiz at the end so you can practice.

Keep practising!
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Don't let the learning stop here. Download your free PDF guide on the TOP 24 most common Italian verbsevery learner of Italian should know. Includes conjugations and examples. Impariamo insieme! (Let's learn together!)

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Italian Verb List Summary

Top 24 Most Common Italian Verbs List

  1. Essere (to be)
  2. Avere (to have)
  3. Fare (to do/make)
  4. Andare (to go)
  5. Stare (to be/stay)
  6. Parlare (to speak/talk)
  7. Dare (to give)
  8. Guardare (to watch/look at)
  9. Lavare (to wash)
  10. Abitare (to live/reside)
  11. Prendere (to take/grab/have/catch/get…)
  12. Potere (can/may/be able to)
  13. Volere (to want)
  14. Dovere (must/have to/owe)
  15. Sapere (to know/be aware of)
  16. Conoscere (to know/be acquainted with)
  17. Vedere (to see)
  18. Mettere (to put)
  19.  Uscire (to exit/go out)
  20. Dire (to say/tell)
  21. Capire (to understand)
  22. Sentire (to hear/feel/smell/taste)
  23. Venire (to come)
  24. Finire (to end/finish)

Now let’s take a closer look at each verb:

Conjugations of essere and avere

Here is how we conjugate the two auxiliary verbs in Italian, that is, essere, “to be” and avere, “to have”. They’re called auxiliary verbs because they work as “helpers” in building compound tenses in Italian , such as passato prossimo, the past tense!

1. Essere (to be)

The verb essere is a fundamental verb in every language. In Italian, you can use the verb essere to say your name (e.g. Sono Giovanna, I’m Giovanna), to express how you feel (e.g. Sono stanca, I’m tired), to describe yourself (e.g. Sono alta, I’m tall), or to describe something (e.g. Questo piatto è buonissimo, this dish is delicious), among other things.

In the present tense, essere is conjugated as follows:

(io) sono – I am
(tu) sei – you are
(lui/lei) è – he/she is
(noi) siamo – we are
(voi) siete – you are
(loro) sono – they are


  • I signori Jones sono inglesi. (Mr. and Mrs. Jones are English.)
  • Lo scorso weekend sono stato al mare. (Last weekend I was at the beach.)

For more about this verb, learn the difference between ‘essere’ and ‘stare’ here.

2. Avere (to have)

The verb avere indicates possession and, together with “essere”, has a special and irregular conjugation. Knowing how to conjugate “essere” and “avere” in the present tense is essential to be able to form the past tense in Italian , and is, therefore, a shortcut that will speed up your learning process!

(io) ho – I have
(tu) hai – you have
(lui/lei) ha – he/she has
(noi) abbiamo – we have
(voi) avete – you have
(loro) hanno – they have

Attenzione! To say one’s age, Italian uses the verb “to have” and not “to be”.


  • Quanti anni hai? (How old are you?, lit. How many years do you have?)
  • Mia sorella e suo marito hanno avuto un bambino! (My sister and her husband have just had a baby!)

Italian -ARE Verbs

Let’s now take a look at some of the most common Italian verbs that belong to the first conjugation, that is, verbs whose infinite form ends in –are. Remember, a verb in the infinitive is the full, unconjugated verb. We don’t know who is doing the action. For example: mangiare (to eat), andare (to go).

Most Italian verbs belong to the -are group, including neologisms and verbs derived from another language, such as English. You can find many examples related to technology: cliccare (to click), taggare (to tag), postare (to post), twittare (to tweet), to name a few.

3. Fare (to do/make)

Fare is certainly one of the most versatile verbs in Italian! It’s used quite often in collocations, such as: fare colazione (to have breakfast), fare fotografie (to take photos), fare la doccia (to take a shower), fare una domanda (to ask a question), etc., not to mention to describe the weather (e.g. Oggi fa caldo, It’s hot today) or your job (e.g. Faccio l’insegnante, I’m a teacher).

Fare follows and irregular conjugation. Here it is in the present tense:

(io) faccio – I do/make
(tu) fai – you do/make
(lui/lei) fa – he/she does/makes
(noi) facciamo – we do/make
(voi) fate – you do/make
(loro) fanno – they do/make


  • Giulio fa l’avvocato. (Giulio is a lawyer.)
  • Abbiamo fatto una torta per il compleanno della mamma. (We made a cake for mum’s birthday.)

4. Andare (to go)

Just like fare, andare has an irregular conjugation that needs to be learned by heart as this verb is also frequently used in everyday conversation, normally in combination with a preposition: e.g. andare al cinema (going to the cinema), andare a teatro (going to the theatre), andare in banca (going to the bank), etc.

Here is how andare is conjugated in the present tense:

(io) vado – I go
(tu) vai – you go
(lui/lei) va – he/she goes
(noi) andiamo – we go
(voi) andate – you go
(loro) vanno – they go


  • Dove andate? (Where are you all going?)
  • L’anno scorso sono andata in Grecia. (Last year I went to Greece.)

For more about this verb, learn the difference between ‘andare’ and ‘venire’ here.

5. Stare (to be/stay)

Knowing the conjugation of the verb stare is a must for everyone serious about learning Italian. The verb stare is used in the most classical form of conversation exchange, that is, when asking “how are you?” (in informal Italian: Come stai?)

Apart from describing health and state of being, stare is also widely used to describe appearance (e.g. Questi jeans ti stanno bene, these jeans look good on you) and idiomatic expressions (e.g. Stare in piedi, to be standing).

Here is its conjugation in the present tense:

(io) sto – I stay
(tu) stai – you stay
(lui/lei) sta – he/she stays
(noi) stiamo – we stay
(voi) state – you stay
(loro) stanno – they stay


  • Fabio sta male, ha la febbre. (Fabio is not feeling well, he has a fever.)
  • La stanza era piena, siamo stati in piedi per tutta la sera. (The room was full, we were on our feet the whole night.)

For more about this verb, learn the difference between ‘stare’ and ‘essere’ here.

6. Parlare (to speak/talk)

Parli italiano? (Do you speak Italian?). The next useful Italian verb translates the English verbs “to talk” and “to speak” and therefore fits a variety of contexts. Parlare is one of the very first verbs you’ll learn, and at the beginning you’ll typically need it to tell someone what language(s) you speak or, more importantly, to ask people to speak slower or more clearly to help you understand.

Unlike the verbs you’ve seen so far, its conjugation in the present tense is regular, meaning it follows a predictable pattern:

(io) parlo – I speak/talk
(tu) parli – you speak/talk
(lui/lei) parla – he/she speaks/talks
(noi) parliamo – we speak/talk
(voi) parlate – you speak/talk
(loro) parlano – they speak/talk


  • Nina parla quattro lingue: inglese, russo, francese e italiano. (Nina speaks four languages: English, Russian, French and Italian.)
  • A cena abbiamo parlato di tante cose. (At dinner we talked about many topics.)

7. Dare (to give)

This short but meaningful verb is very often used in combination with i pronomi, pronouns, that is, little words that tell us what and to whom we are giving something. You can also find the verb dare in the idiomatic expression “dare una mano” (to give a hand).

Here is dare in the present tense:

(io) do – I give
(tu) dai – you give
(lui/lei) dà – he/she gives
(noi) diamo – we give
(voi) date – you give
(loro) danno – they give


  • Mi dai una mano per favore? (Can you please give me a hand?)
  • Abbiamo dato questi soldi in beneficenza. (We gave this money to charity.)

8. Guardare (to watch/look at)

The next verb we’re going to look at is, in fact, “to look at”, guardare. This verb comes in handy when talking about hobbies and leisure time, as it’s used to form common phrases such as guardare la TV (watching TV), guardare un film/uno spettacolo (watching a film/a show).

Like parlare, the conjugation of guardare is fully regular:

(io) guardo – I watch/look at
(tu) guardi – you watch/look at
(lui/lei) guarda – he/she watches/looks at
(noi) guardiamo – we watch/look at
(voi) guardate – you watch/look at
(loro) guardano – they watch/look at


  • Stasera guardiamo un film. (Tonight we’re watching a film.)
  • Mi ha guardato sorridendo. (He/She looked at me smiling.)

For more about this verb, learn the difference between ‘guardare’ and ‘vedere’ here.

9. Lavare (to wash)

The verb lavare can be translated with “to wash”, however, its use is much wider when it becomes reflexive, that is, lavarsi. Adding the pronoun -si at the end of the infinitive verb form means that the action described by this verb reflects directly on the subject (hence, the definition). You’ll find yourself using this verb a lot when talking about daily routine.

Here is the conjugation of lavare (in square brackets you’ll find the pronouns that make it reflexive):

(io) [mi] lavo – I wash [myself]
(tu) [ti] lavi – you wash [yourself]
(lui/lei) [si] lava – he/she washes [himself/herself]
(noi) [ci] laviamo – we wash [ourselves]
(voi) [vi] lavate – you wash [yourselves]
(loro) [si] lavano – they wash [themselves]


  • Mi lavo i denti prima di andare a dormire. (I brush my teeth before going to bed.)
  • Ieri ho lavato la macchina. (I washed the car yesterday.)

10. Abitare (to live/reside)

When meeting someone for the first time, one of the questions you’re probably going to ask is dove abiti? (where do you live?, informal). Use abitare when you want to ask or talk about the country, city, or place where you live!

Its conjugation in the present tense is fully regular:

(io) abito – I live/reside
(tu) abiti – you live/reside
(lui/lei) abita – he/she lives/resides
(noi) abitiamo – we live/reside
(voi) abitate – you live/reside
(loro) abitano – they live/reside


  • I miei nonni abitano a Napoli. (My grandparents live in Naples.)
  • Abbiamo abitato a Roma per cinque anni. (We lived in Rome for five years.)

Italian -ERE Verbs

Now let’s take a look at some of the most common Italian verbs that end in -ere.

11. Prendere (to take/grab/have/catch/get…)

Prendere is by far one of the most versatile verbs of the Italian language. It’s not easy to find a single translation to this verb in English as its meaning changes a lot depending on the context. Some of its usages include:

  • Ordering something at a bar/restaurant (e.g. “Prendo gli gnocchi”, I’ll have gnocchi);
  • Grabbing or picking up something (e.g. “Prendi questo libro”, grab this book);
  • Catching a means of transport (e.g. “Prendiamo il treno o il bus?”, shall we catch the train or the bus?);
  • Forming collocations (e.g. “È difficile prendere decisioni”, making decisions is hard);
  • Catching illnesses and diseases (i.e. “Ho preso il raffreddore”, I caught a cold).

and many more.

The conjugation of prendere is regular:

(io) prendo – I take
(tu) prendi – you take
(lui/lei) prende – he/she takes
(noi) prendiamo – we take
(voi) prendete – you take
(loro) prendono – they take


  • Prendiamo un caffè? (Shall we get a coffee?)
  • Non ho ancora preso una decisione. (I haven’t made a decision yet.)

12. Potere (can/may/be able to)

The next verb we’re going to look at is really potente (powerful)! It’s no coincidence that potere and “potente” have the same root, as a matter of fact, this verb enables you to say what you can or are able to do. It’s also used as a form of courtesy to ask permission to have or do something (e.g. “Posso usare il bagno?”, May I use the bathroom?).

As a modal verb, potere is often used in combination with other verbs, just like English.

Here is its conjugation:

(io) posso – I can
(tu) puoi – you can
(lui/lei) può – he/she can
(noi) possiamo – we can
(voi) potete – you can
(loro) possono – they can


  • Non posso uscire, devo lavorare. (I can’t go out, I have to work.)
  • Non abbiamo potuto fare nulla. (We couldn’t’ do anything.)

13. Volere (to want)

Being a modal verb too, volere functions much like “potere” and it’s usually followed by an infinite verb (e.g. “Voglio andare in vacanza”, I want to go on holiday) or it can be used on its own and be followed by a noun (e.g. “Voglio una spiegazione”, I want an explanation).

We also use volere + the pronoun ci as a so-called pronominal verb to express how long something takes (e.g. “Ci vogliono due ore per arrivare a Milano”, it takes two hours to get to Milan).

Its irregular conjugation in the present tense goes like this:

(io) voglio – I want
(tu) vuoi – you want
(lui/lei) vuole – he/she wants
(noi) vogliamo – we want
(voi) volete – you want
(loro) vogliono – they want


  • I bambini non vogliono dormire. (The children don’t want to sleep.)
  • Ho voluto parlare con lui prima di uscire. (I wanted to talk to him before going out.)

14. Dovere (must/have to/owe)

The third modal verb is dovere, which expresses a necessity or obligation. If followed by another verb it takes the meaning of “must”, or “have to”, and if followed by a noun it means “to owe”, as in “Ti devo un favore” (I owe you one).

The conjugation of dovere is another one that needs to be learned by heart, as it’s irregular.

(io) devo – I must/have to/owe
(tu) devi – you must/have to/owe
(lui/lei) deve – he/she must/has to/owes
(noi) dobbiamo – we must/have to/owe
(voi) dovete – you must/have to/owe
(loro) devono – they must/have to/owe


  • Devo dirti una cosa. (I have something to tell you.)
  • Siamo dovuti partire presto. (We had to leave early.)

15. Sapere (to know/be aware of)

Whether you need to ask people if they know something or you want to express what you know and what you don’t, here’s a verb for you: sapere. This verb can be translated with “to know” in the sense of “to be aware of something” such as knowing a fact, an event or a piece of information. Sapere can be found in common phrases such as “Lo so” (I know) and “Non lo so” (I don’t know), but its use is much wider.

Sapere also has the following meanings:

  • To reckon/think in the phrase Mi sa di/che: Mi sa che pioverà (i think it’s going to rain);
  • Describing taste: Questa zuppa sa di aglio (this soup tastes like garlic);
  •  Ability: Sai nuotare? (can you swim?). In this case, it’s followed by a verb in the infinitive form, like other modal verbs.

Its conjugation is irregular.

(io) so – I know
(tu) sai – you know
(lui/lei) sa – he/she knows
(noi) sappiamo – we know
(voi) sapete – you know
(loro) sanno – they know


  • Sai che ore sono? (Do you know what time it is?)
  • Abbiamo saputo che ti sei sposato! (We found out you got married!)*

*Attenzione! In the passato prossimo tense, this verb has a slightly different meaning: “to find out about something”.

Sapere is not the only verb Italians use to express their knowledge! Keep reading to find out when and how to use the next verb meaning “to know”. For more about this verb, learn the difference between ‘sapere’ and ‘conoscere’ here.

16. Conoscere (to know/be acquainted with)

If sapere is used in the sense of “being aware of something”, conoscere on the other hand means to know or be acquainted with something or someone such as a topic, a person, a place, or a subject.

Its conjugation is regular:

(io) conosco – I know
(tu) conosci – you know
(lui/lei) conosce – he/she knows
(noi) conosciamo – we know
(voi) conoscete – you know
(loro) conoscono – they know


  • Conosci Giuseppe? (Do you know Giuseppe?)
  • Ho conosciuto mio marito ad una festa. (I met my husband at a party).*

*Attenzione! Just like sapere, in the passato prossimo tense the meaning of conoscere changes into “to get to know someone for the first time”. For more about this verb, learn the difference between ‘conoscere’ and ‘sapere’ here.

17. Vedere (to see)

The verb vedere is a sensorial verb that will allow you to express what you see around you.

The conjugation of vedere is regular:

(io) vedo – I see
(tu) vedi – you see
(lui/lei) vede – he/she sees
(noi) vediamo – we see
(voi) vedete – you see
(loro) vedono – they see


  • Non ti vedo, dove sei? (I don’t see you, where are you?)
  • Avete visto il tramonto ieri? (Did you see the sunset yesterday?)

For more about this verb, learn the difference between ‘guardare’ and ‘vedere’ here.

18. Mettere (to put)

The next commonly used verb in Italian is mettere, which can be easily translated with “to put” or “to place” something somewhere. Like many other verbs though, it can have different meanings:

  • To put on: Mi metto le scarpe e poi esco (I’ll put my shoes on and then go out);
  • To cause or bring something about: Questo film mette paura! (This movie is scary!).

Mettere has a regular conjugation:

(io) metto – I put
(tu) metti – you put
(lui/lei) mette – he/she puts
(noi) mettiamo – we put
(voi) mettete – you put
(loro) mettono – they put


  • La tua voce mette tranquillità. (Your voice is calming.)
  • Ho messo la torta nel/in forno. (I put the cake in the oven.)

Italian -IRE Verbs

Last but not least, here’s a list of common and useful verbs in Italian that end in -ire.

19. Uscire (to exit/go out)

Usciamo a bere qualcosa! (Let’s all go out for drinks!). The verb uscire means both “to physically leave a room” (often used in combination with the preposition da) and “going out” or “hanging out” with someone.

Watch out for its conjugation, it’s irregular!

(io) esco – I exit/go out
(tu) esci – you exit/go out
(lui/lei) esce – he/she exits/goes out
(noi) usciamo – we exit/go out
(voi) uscite – you exit/go out
(loro) escono – they exit/go out


  • Esci con noi stasera? (Are you going out with us tonight?)
  • Siamo usciti dalla classe esausti. (We exit the class exhausted.)

20. Dire (to say/tell)

The Italian verb dire means both “to say” and “to tell”, and in the second case, it’s often used in combination with pronouns (e.g. “Ti dico un segreto”, I’ll tell you a secret).

The conjugation of dire is irregular:

(io) dico – I say/tell
(tu) dici – you say/tell
(lui/lei) dice – he/she says/tells
(noi) diciamo – we say/tell
(voi) dite – you say/tell
(loro) dicono – they say/tell


  • Che dici? (What are you saying?)
  • Le ho detto che non posso andare alla festa. (I told her I can’t go to the party).

21. Capire (to understand)

If you’re at the beginning of your journey in learning Italian and want to tell others that you can’t understand them very well or that, on the other hand, everything they say is surprisingly clear, you’ll need to use the verb capire! This verb is used to form standard phrases such as: Non capisco (I don’t understand) or Ho capito (I understood).

Here is its conjugation in the present tense:

(io) capisco – I understand
(tu) capisci – you understand
(lui/lei) capisce – he/she understands
(noi) capiamo – we understand
(voi) capite – you understand
(loro) capiscono – they understand


  • Puoi parlare più piano? Non capisco. (Could you speak more slowly? I don’t understand).
  • Abbiamo capito tutto! (We understood everything!)

22. Sentire (to hear/feel/smell/taste)

The next powerful and versatile verb fits any situation where you want to express something that you experience through your senses. Sentire is most commonly used as to hear (e.g. “Sento un rumore”, I hear a noise) but it also means to feel (e.g. “Sento freddo”, I feel cold), to smell (e.g. “Sento profumo di cocco”, I smell coconut), or to taste (e.g. “Senti che buono!”, Taste it, it’s good!).

With sentire, you can also form a super common phrase that means “goodbye”, that is, ci sentiamo! (talk to you soon!, informal).

Its conjugation in the present goes like this:

(io) sento – I hear/feel/smell/taste
(tu) senti – you hear/feel/smell/taste
(lui/lei) sente – he/she hears/feels/smells/tastes
(noi) sentiamo – we hear/feel/smell/taste
(voi) sentite – you hear/feel/smell/taste
(loro) sentono – you hear/feel/smell/taste


  • Sento profumo di basilico. (I smell basil.)
  • Hai sentito quel suono? (Did you hear that sound?)

23. Venire (to come)

One of the very first questions you’ll probably be asked when you meet someone for the first time is: Da dove vieni? (Where do you come from?). Italians use venire not only to talk about where they come from but also to express where they’re going, when they’re going with someone (e.g. “Vengo al cinema con voi!”, I’m going to the cinema with you!). Unlike the verb “andare”, “venire” indicates approaching a place, not moving away from it.

Its conjugation is irregular:

(io) vengo – I come
(tu) vieni – you come
(lui/lei) viene – he/she comes
(noi) veniamo – we come
(voi) venite – you come
(loro) vengono – they come


  • Charlotte viene da Parigi. (Charlotte comes from Paris.)
  • I miei amici non sono venuti a cena ieri sera. (My friends didn’t come to dinner last night.)

For more about this verb, learn the difference between ‘venire’ and ‘andare’ here.

24. Finire (to end/finish)

What better way to end our list of common Italian verbs than with the verb… finire! Much like English, in Italian we use this verb to express that something is over or we’re done with something.

Here is its regular conjugation:

(io) finisco – I finish
(tu) finisci – you finish
(lui/lei) finisce – he/she finishes
(noi) finiamo – we finish
(voi) finite – you finish
(loro) finiscono – they finish


  • Il film finisce tra circa un’ora. (The film ends in about an hour.)
  • Avete finito i compiti? (Have you finished your homework?


Learning this list of common Italian verbs and gradually incorporating them into your vocabulary means you’re off to a great start in learning Italian.

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Ci vediamo lì! (See you there!)

Learning Italian? Check out these Italian language guides

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Top 24 Common Italian Verbs List

Over to you!

Which of these verbs did you find the most useful? What else would you add? Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media @intrepidguide or @intrepiditalian to start a conversation.

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