Home Language HacksItalian 69 Cute Terms of Endearment in Italian and Italian Nicknames + 📚 FREE PDF Cheat-Sheet

69 Cute Terms of Endearment in Italian and Italian Nicknames + 📚 FREE PDF Cheat-Sheet

From AMORE MIO to CUCCIOLO, TESORO and BELLEZZA, here's how to call your significant other, friend or family member

by Michele
Common Terms of Endearment in Italian and Italian Nicknames
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Italians are naturally talented at making their everyday interactions warm and friendly. It’s second nature for them to use pet names and terms of endearment in Italian to show how much they care about the people in their lives. Maybe you’ve heard “amore mio”, but there are many more you can use.

Just like with anything in Italian, phrases and Italian nicknames can vary from region to region. In this guide, I share the most common terms of endearment in Italian that are used by almost everyone in Italy, no matter if you’re speaking to your dolce metà or better half (lit. sweet half), friends, family members, children or babies. I’ve also included an explanation for each, so you know how and when to use them.

As a little extra bonus, I’ve included a guide at the end so you can create your own endearing Italian nicknames using handy little words called diminutives and augmentatives.

To continue your learning and help you practice all these Italian terms of endearment, make sure you download your free PDF cheat sheet using the form below.

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23 Italian nicknames to lovingly call your partner

Have you got an Italian partner and you’re wondering what are the most popular Italian nicknames and pet names to use? Here are 23 adorable pet names you can use for both guys and girls.

Terms of endearment in Italian for partners
Italian Meaning Example
Amore mio My love “Amore mio” is the most traditional way of letting your special someone know how you feel.

Example: “Mi manchi amore mio” (I miss you, my love).

Amore mio bellissimo My beautiful love When you add “bellissimo” to “amore mio,” it’s like giving your loved one an extra burst of love and affection.

Example: “Ci vediamo domani amore mio bellissimo” (I’ll see you tomorrow my beautiful love).

Amore della mia vita Love of my life Use this phrase when you know you wouldn’t want to be with anyone else in the world.

Example: “Ti amo, amore della mia vita” (I love you, love of my life)

Learn other ways to say I love you in Italian here

Amorino / Amorina Little love A cute twist on “amore,” Amorino is like calling your sweetheart a little love nugget.

Example: “Cosa ti piacerebbe fare il prossimo weekend, amorino?” (What would you like to do next weekend, my little love?).

Amo Love Especially popular among teens and young adults, “Amo” is short for “amore,” the ultimate shortcut to convey affection in a heartbeat – it’s simple, sweet, and super trendy.

Example: “Amo aspettami, scendo tra un minuto” (Love, wait, I’ll be down in a minute).

Anima mia My soul “Anima mia” is a sweet Italian term of endearment you might want to reserve for your soulmate – it’s kind of like saying they’re the espresso to your mornings!

Example: “Con te, ogni giorno è una nuova avventura anima mia” (With you, every day is a new adventure, my soul).

Bambolina Sweetheart “Bambolina” (literally, “little doll”) affectionately refers to a girl radiating sweetness that makes you want to look out for her and keep her safe.

Example: “Ti amo bambolina, farei qualsiasi cosa per te” (I love you, sweetheart, I’d do anything for you).

Bellezza Beauty If you tell your girlfriend she’s your “bellezza,” it’s a nice way of saying she’s beautiful and has a captivating allure.

Example: “Amore mio, sei una bellezza!” (Love, you are a beauty!).

Bellissimo / Bellissima Handsome / Beautiful It’s incredibly simple, but oh so powerful. Saying “beautiful” to your special someone, whether it’s in a hushed moment between the two of you or expressed openly, this can really make them feel adored.

Example: “Mi manchi. Quando ci vediamo, bellissima? (I miss you. When can we meet up, beautiful?)

Bimbo / Bimba Baby “Bimbo” or “bimba” is a sweet and shortened form of saying “bambino” or “bambina.” It’s like a cute and affectionate term you might use to show love and tenderness towards someone special.

Example: “Bimba, sei dolcissima” (Baby, you’re so sweet).

Caro / Cara Dear “Caro” and “Cara” might sound a bit formal, but these Italian nicknames convey a sense of warmth and genuine fondness. Italians usually use these terms in established relationships, like married couples.

For example: “Cara, che ne dici se andiamo via per il weekend?” (Dear, how about we go away this weekend?).

Tip: “Caro” is also an adjective in Italian which means “dear” or “expensive”.

Ciccino / Ciccina Sweetheart/Darling “Ciccino” and “Ciccina” don’t have a direct English translation, but they are popular among playful Italian couples. Example:

“Ciccino, com’è andato l’esame?” (Darling, how did the exam go?)

Cucciolo / Cucciola Puppy “Cucciolo” is an adorable and widely used Italian nickname. It can also be used in the form “cucciolotto” and “cucciolotta,” adding an extra layer of playfulness.

Example: “Non vedo l’ora di passare la serata insieme, cucciola mia” (I can’t wait to spend the evening together, sweetheart).

Cuore mio My heart Italians use “Cuore mio” to express profound love, affection and endearment towards someone special.

Example: “Cuore mio, ogni momento con te è prezioso” (My heart, every moment with you is precious).

Dolcezza Sweetie/Honey “Dolcezza” is another term of endearment that Italians use to express affection towards someone they care about, especially when speaking to women, it conveys a feeling of sweetness and tenderness.

For example: “Buongiorno, dolcezza!” (Good morning, sweetie!).

Gioia mia My joy “Gioia mia” is a wonderful way to let someone know how happy they make you.

Example: “Quanto sei speciale, gioia mia” (How special you are, my joy).

La mia dolce metà My better half Italians often use “la mia dolce metà” to affectionately refer to their significant other, conveying a strong connection in the relationship. Additionally, people might say it playfully to inject a touch of humor into their affectionate exchanges.

For example: “Oggi la mia dolce metà ha deciso di cucinare, aiuto!” (Today, my better half decided to cook – help!).

Luce dei miei occhi Light of my life / You’re the apple of my eye “Luce dei miei occhi” is a rather poetic way of saying how much someone means to you, as if their presence alone lights up your life!

Example: “Ti amo Anna, sei la luce dei miei occhi” (I love you Anna, you’re the apple of my eye).

Patato / Patata Potato “Patato” is an adorable Italian nickname for your partner: just as potatoes are a staple in cuisine, your sweetheart becomes the essential ingredient in your life! For an extra touch of sweetness and a playful vibe, you could also say “patatino/patatina” or “patatone/patatona.”

Example: “Sei il mio patato, ti adoro” (You’re my sweetheart, I adore you). A quick heads up: “patata” and “patatina” are also vulgar terms for female genitalia, so be cautious how to use it. You wouldn’t want your special lady to be offended!

Piccolo/Piccola Baby Using “Piccolo” is like calling someone your cute little bundle of joy. You can also say “piccolino/piccolina” to express the same sweet sentiment.

Example: “Tutto bene, piccola?” (Is everything okay, baby?).

Tato/Tata Honey/Darling While tata means ‘nanny’ it is also used to mean ‘darling’ or ‘honey’ in English. The full form would be ‘patata” or ‘patato’ (potato).

“Tato” and “Tata” are cute and cheesy Italian nicknames that couples love using for each other. There’s also “Tatino” or “Tatina” which makes it a bit more cheesy.

Example: “Tato, ti amo più di ogni altra cosa al mondo” (Darling, I love you more than anything else in the world).

Tesoro Darling Literally meaning “treasure”, “Tesoro” is a traditional nickname Italians use, especially in an established relationship. If you want to be playful, you can go for “tesoruccio.”

Example: “Tesoro, ti va una pizza stasera?” (Darling, want to grab some pizza tonight?).

Vita mia My life When you call your special someone “vita mia,” it’s not just a casual phrase. It’s like telling them, “You’re the one and only in my life, no space for anyone else”.

Example: “Grazie per essere sempre al mio fianco, vita mia” (Thank you for always being by my side, my life).

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14 Italian terms of endearment to use with your family

Now that you know what your call partner, here are some popular Italian pet names you can use with members of your family.

Terms of endearment in Italian for family members
Italian Meaning Notes
Amore Love Parents and grandparents often affectionately call their children “Amore,” even when they’re all grown up!

Example: “Amore a tavola, è pronto!” (Dinner’s ready, love!).

Cugi Cuz (cousin) “Cugi” is a snazzy and informal Italian slang term for “cugino” (cousin), primarily used among youngsters.

Example: “Ciao cugi, come stai?” (Hey cuz, how are you?)

Cuginetto / Cuginetta / Cuginette / Cuginetti Little cousin “Cuginetto” is the diminutive form of the Italian term “cugino,” most commonly used in baby talk.

Example: “Hai detto alla nonna che domani andiamo a trovare i cuginetti?” (Have you told grandma that tomorrow we’re going to visit the little cousins?).

Fratellino Little brother Whether he’s your partner in crime or the unsuspecting victim of your epic pranks, “Fratellino” is an endearing term to refer to your younger brother.

Example: “Ho preparato una sorpresa speciale per il compleanno del mio fratellino” (I’ve prepared a special surprise for my little brother’s birthday).

Fratellone Big brother You can affectionately use the term “Fratellone” to playfully refer to your older brother, particularly in lighthearted situations.

For instance: “Fratellone, sei il numero uno” (Big brother, you’re number one).

Hai mangiato? Did you eat? There’s no sweeter term of endearment in Italian than “Hai mangiato?” – a simple expression that’s a sweet way to check on someone you care about.
Ma’ / Mami / Mammetta / Mammina Mommy “Ma’” is an abbreviation of “mamma” (mum/mom), a casual and informal expression widely used in Italian households.

Example: “Ma’, stasera esco” (Mum, I’m going out tonight).

Nipotino / Nipotina / Nipotini Little niece and nephew “Nipotino” is a cute Italian nickname that grandparents and uncles/aunts often use to lovingly refer to little kids. You might even catch grandmothers using it to affectionately refer to their grown-up grandchildren.

Example: “Domani arriva la mia nipotina da Londra” (Tomorrow my little niece is coming from London).

Nonnino / Nonnina / Nonnini Grandpa / Grandma / Grandpas Translated literally as “little grandfather,” “Nonnino” adds an extra dose of love and affection.

Example: “Nonnino, posso stare qui con te?” (Grandpa, can I stay here with you?).

Pa’ / Papi / Papino / Papo / Paparino Daddy These are all affectionate terms used both by kids and adults to refer to their dad.

Examples: “Pa’, mi presti 5 euro?” (Dad, can I borrow 5 euros?); “Il mio papino mi porta sempre a pesca” (My daddy always takes me fishing).

Sorellina Little sister “Sorellina” is an endearing term used to refer to a younger sister. While it is often employed in a loving manner with an underlying sense of protection, it can also take on a playful tone when older brothers use it to tease their younger siblings.

For example: “Mi spiace sorellina, sei troppo piccola per uscire con noi” (Sorry sis, you’re too young to go out with us).

Sorellona Big sister “Sorellona” affectionately refers to the wise, nurturing, and why not, sometimes bossy older sister.

Example: “Non so come farei senza la mia sorellona” (I don’t know what I would do without my big sister).

Tesoro Sweetheart “Tesoro” is a versatile term that parents – and mums in particular – love to use with their kids.

Example: “Che c’è che non va, tesoro?” (What’s wrong, sweetheart?).

Zietto / Zietta Uncle / Auntie This term is often a word thrown around in baby talk or used playfully in a joking way.

Example: “Zietta, quando mi porti a Disneyland?” (Auntie, when are we going to Disneyland?).

12 Cute Italian terms of endearment to call children

Children are the biggest blessing in an Italian family, so it’s not a surprise that there are tons of affectionate Italian nicknames adults call them. From ‘angles’ to ‘little devils’, there’s a phrase to describe children in all their forms.

Italian terms of endearment for kids
Italian Meaning Notes
Amore di mamma / Amore di papà Sweetheart Translating to “mum’s love” or “dad’s love” in English, this is a very common expression in Italian households. “Mamma” and “papà” can be substituted by other relatives, most commonly, grandma (“amore di nonna”) and aunts (“Amore di zia”).

Example: “Guarda quanto sei bello, amore di mamma!” (Look how beautiful you are, sweetheart!).

Angioletto Little angel Used for babies, like they’re these tiny heavenly beings – all innocent, pure, and just the absolute cutest troublemakers ever!

Example: “I nostri angioletti sono di là che dormono” (Our little angels are sleeping in the other room).

Attila Little devil Attila, the King of the Huns, earned renown as the formidable warrior dubbed the “Scourge of God.” Today, his name is playfully used as a nickname for little troublemakers.

Example: “Attila si è svegliato, preparati!” (Attila is awake, brace yourself!).

Birbantello / Birbantella Little rascal When a kid is being smart or cheeky, Italians use the playful nickname “birbantello” to describe their antics.

For instance: “Quei birbantelli dei miei nipoti hanno mangiato tutte le caramelle!” (My grandkids, those little rascals, ate all the candies/lollies/sweets!).

Caccone / Caccona Little pooper / Poopy The term “Caccone/a” is a humorous nickname affectionately given to infants, who frequently need their diaper/nappy changed.

Example: “Sei proprio una caccona, Laura, quanto mi costi in pannolini!” (You’re such a little pooper, Laura, how much you cost me in diapers!).

Diavoletto Little devil “Diavoletto” captures the lively spirit of little ones as they explore the world, from tugging on your hair to testing the limits of gravity by tossing their toys around.

Example: “Luca è proprio un diavoletto, non sta fermo un attimo” (Luca is truly a little devil; he never stays still for a moment).

Gioia mia My joy “Gioia mia” is a term of endearment commonly used to refer to children (but also to the grown-ups), especially in Southern Italy. After all, is there a greater source of joy for parents than their own children?

Example: “Hai fame, gioia mia?” (Are you hungry, my joy?).

Piccolino / Piccolina Little boy / Little girl Literally meaning “very small,” “Piccolino/a” is a cherished Italian nickname for babies that encapsulates the delicate and precious nature of infancy.

Example: “Brava piccolina, sei tutta papà!” (Good job, little girl, you’re all daddy’s).

Principino / Principessa Little prince / Princess “Principino” and “Principessa” are endearing Italian nicknames for babies that convey a profound sense of affection and indulgence around them – subtly suggesting a touch of pampering that might border on being spoiled.

Example: “Cosa vuole per colazione il principino?” (What does the little prince want for breakfast?).

Pupetto / Pupetta Little boy / Little girl This Italian diminutive is yet another endearing way to refer to a young child, conveying a sense of affection and playfulness.

Example: “Luca è un pupetto così simpatico!” (Luca is such an amusing little fellow!).

Scricciolo Little one “Scricciolo” is a cute Italian nickname for a tiny baby, whether a boy or a girl. The word itself refers to a wren, a small bird, symbolizing the delicate and precious nature of a little one.

Example: “Vieni qui scricciolo, mangia qualcosa” (Come here, little one, eat something). This term is also used in a common Italian expression, “mangiare come uno scricciolo” (to eat very little).

Terremoto Earthquake “Terremoto” is a funny Italian nickname playfully assigned to mischievous children, encapsulating the spirit of youngsters whose endless vitality leaves a trail of joyful chaos.

Example: “Sara è un terremoto, non sta ferma un attimo!” (Sara is a little earthquake, she never stays still for a moment!).

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11 Italian nicknames to call your friends

Italians love to use terms of endearment with their friends too! Many of these are particularly popular among teenagers.

Italian terms of endearment for partners
Italian Meaning Notes
Bro / Fra’ Fra’is a shortened version of the Italian wordfratello, which means “brother “Bro” and “Fra'” are like the secret handshake of teenagers, serving as interjections used by kids to communicate with their friends – no blood ties involved!

Example: “Bro, a che ora arrivi?” (Dude, what time are you coming?).

Amo / Ama Honey Shortened form of “amore,” this is a warm and affectionate nickname that girls use as an interjection when talking with friends.

For example: “Amo, come sto?” (Honey, how do I look?).

Bello / Bella Beautiful “Bello” is an interjection used to say “hello.”

For example: “Bella Sandro!” (Hey Sandro!)

Cuore Heart “Cuore” is a term of endearment commonly used by girls to affectionately refer to their close friends.

Example: “Quei cuori di Anna e Paolo mi hanno ospitato a casa loro la scorsa settimana” (My dear friends Anna e Paolo had me over at their place last week).

Gnocco / Gnocca Super attractive This is a slang term used by young Italians to compliment a friend who is attractive.

For example: “Sei proprio una gnocca stasera, Anna!” (You’re super attractive tonight, Anna!).

Attenzione! Just a heads up: it’s best to use the word “gnocca” or “gnocco” in a playful way, but only with close friends. It can come across as pretty vulgar if you say it to someone you don’t know well or to a stranger on the street.

Grande Dude “Grande” is a slang word that teenagers often use to say hello which builds a sense of camaraderie.

Example: “Grande Ale, quando sei arrivato?” (Hey Ale, when did you arrive?).

Moglie Bestie In Italy, it’s not unusual to hear young girls playfully call their best friend “moglie” (wife).

Example: “Io e moglie andiamo al cinema stasera” (My bestie and I are going to the cinema tonight).

Raga Guys “Raga” is the the abbreviation of “ragazzi/e”(guys/girls) that Italians use to refer too all their friends at once.

Example: “Raga, che facciamo quest’estate?” (Guys, what’s the plan for this summer?).

Socio / Socia Buddy “Socio/a” is a term used especially by young people to refer to close friends. It also means “business partner” or “associate”.

For example: “Io e la mia socia veniamo di sicuro alla festa” (Me and my buddy will definitely be coming to the party).

Tesoro Honey Besides its application in romantic relationships, “Tesoro” is also commonly used as a term of endearment between a girl and her best friends. When used to refer to a girl, you may also hear it as “tesora.”

Example: “Tesora, grazie ancora per avermi retto il gioco ieri, sei la migliore!” (Honey, thanks again for covering my back yesterday, you’re the best!).

Zio / Zia Dude / Mate “Zio/a” is a very informal interjection that young Italians use with their friends.

For example, “No zia, non ci sto dentro” (No mate, I can’t handle it). Another very popular expression is “Bella zio/a,” which roughly means “Hey, cool/fantastic, dude/girl.”

Animal-inspired terms of endearment in Italian

Many terms of endearment in Italian are inspired by the animal kingdom. From ‘little sparrow’ to ‘little fish’, many of these commonly used affectionate terms will surprise you.

Animal-inspired terms of endearment in Italian
Italian Meaning Example
Cucciolo / Cucciola Puppy “Cucciolo” is one of the most common Italian terms of endearment. It’s used both to refer to children and romantic partners. If you want to make it sound extra special, use “cucciolotto” or “cucciolotta” for a playful vibe, or opt for “cucciolino” or “cucciolina” if you’re aiming for that extra bit of sweetness.

Example: “Che ti senti cucciolina mia, hai la febbre?” (How are you feeling, my little darling? Do you have a fever?).

Orsacchiotto / Orsacchiotta Teddy bear “Orsacchiotto” is an adorable Italian nickname that works wonders for both kids and lovebirds. It’s the kind of term that just makes you want to pinch the person’s cheeks.

Example: “Orsacchiotta, è ora di andare a nanna” (Hey little teddy bear, it’s bedtime now).

Passerotto / Passerotta Little sparrow “Passerotto” is often used to refer to a child.

Example: “Passerotto della nonna, vieni che ti porto a comprare il gelato” (Grandma’s little birdie, come with me, I’ll treat you to some ice-cream).

Piccioncini Lovebirds (literally, little pigeons) The Italian term “piccioncini” is like calling a couple “lovebirds” because they seem absolutely inseparable.

xample: “Marco e Giulia sono sempre insieme, dei veri piccioncini!” (Marco and Giulia are always together, such lovebirds!). What’s fascinating is that the nickname stems from the behavior of pigeons, who are known to stay loyal to their partners for life and always coo when they’re together.

Pesciolino / Pesciolina Little fish This is something Italians often say about young children who enjoy being in the water.

Example: “Il nostro pesciolino adora il mare” (Our little fish adores the sea).

Scimmietta Little monkey “Scimmietta” is commonly used with playful children, reflecting their mischievous and energetic nature often associated with monkeys.

Example: “Sei la nostra piccola scimmietta” (You are our little monkey).

Sometimes it’s also used by couples. Attenzione! Be extra cautious when addressing adults or individuals from different ethnic backgrounds with this term, as it can be potentially perceived as offensive or interpreted as a racially insensitive remark.

Topolino / Topolina Little mouse This Italian nickname captures the essence of a tiny, playful mouse, making it a sweet expression of love and affection. While commonly used for children, it’s also used among couples. You can also use “topino” or “topina”.

Example: “Non vedo l’ora di stare con te stasera, topino” (“I can’t wait to be with you tonight, my little mouse).

Gattino / Gattina Kitten, kitty “Gattino” is one of the cutest animal-related nicknames in Italian. Just picture a tiny fur ball, and you’ll understand why! It’s perfect for a cute little kid but also for your charming partner.

For instance: “Gattina, mi fai impazzire!” (Kitty, you drive me crazy!)

Pulcino / Pulcina Baby chick, hatchling “Pulcino” is a super sweet nickname for little ones, just like calling them cute, fluffy baby chicks.

Example: “Oggi è il primo compleanno del mio pulcino!” (Today is my little chick’s first birthday!).

Using diminutive and augmentative forms in Italian

Did you notice that many Italian nicknames and terms of endearment use little words that are hooked onto the end? Endings such asino, -etto, -uccio, -one, -issimo are what are called diminutives and augmentatives.

Let’s take a look at the various diminutives and augmentatives in Italian so you know how you can use them to form all sorts of pet names and other words.

In Italian, diminutive and augmentative words are commonly used to convey size or affection (even disdain, occasionally). It’s like a cool language trick that transforms a simple word like “kiss” into a “big kiss” or a “cute little kiss.”

These exist in English too! For example, we add the suffix -y to say mummy (mum/mom), daddy (dad), and doggy (dog).

The trick involves tweaking the ending of a word, usually a noun but sometimes an adjective, by adding a special ending (technically referred to as a suffix) that matches its gender and number. This means you don’t have to say words like “piccolo” (little) or “molto” (very) all the time.

Diminutives in Italian

Using diminutives in Italian don’t just make things sound smaller; they bring a sense of warmth and affection, adding a touch of playfulness and intimacy to our words. Italian diminutives are created by adding the following suffixes:

Italian diminutive forms
-ino / -ina / -ini / -ine Example: vestito → vestitino (dress / little dress)
-etto / -etta / -etti / -ette Example: casa → casetta (house / little house)
-ello / -ella / -elli / -ette Example: albero → alberello (tree / little tree)
-uccio / -uccia / -ucci / -ucce Example: cavallo → cavalluccio (horse / little horse)
-acchiotto / -acchiotta / -accihotti / -accihotte Example: lupo → lupacchiotto (wolf / little wolf)
-iciattolo / -iciattola / -iciattoli / -iciattole Examples:
mostricio → mostriciattolo (monster / little monster)
mostricia → mostriciattola (monster / little monster)
icci(u)olo / –icci(u)ola / icci(u)oli / icci(u)ole Example: porto → porticciolo (harbor / little harbor)
-(u)olo / -(u)ola / -(u)oli / -(u)ole Example: poesia → poesiola (poem / little poem)


Be careful! The Italian diminutive forms -uccio / -uccia / -ucci / -ucce can sometimes take on a negative tone. For example:

    • avvocato (lawyer)→ avvocatuccio (a rather incompetent lawyer)
    • mezzo (mean) → mezzuccio (mean trick)
  • stanza (room) →stanzuccia (a very small, narrow room)

Augmentatives in Italian

When we talk about augmentative forms, we’re referring to words that make something seem bigger than usual. But it’s not just about size – these forms also amp up the intensity of ordinary words. To make augmentatives in Italian, you simply add the following suffixes:

Italian augmentative forms
-one / -ona / -oni Example: micio → micione (kitty / big kitty)
-issimo / -issima / -issimi / -issime Example: lucido → lucidissmo (shiny / super shiny)
-acchione / -acchiona / -acchioni / -acchione Example: frate → fratacchione (friar / someone good on the surface but is actually cunning)


Be careful! The Italian augmentative forms -acchione / -acchiona / -acchioni / -acchione are often used in a sarcastic tone, like matto (crazy) → mattacchione (clown). But they can also add a negative connotation to the word, for example:

  • furbo (clever) → furbacchione (a sly person).

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Intrepid Italian was created with YOU in mind. I use my working knowledge of the English language to help you get into the ‘Italian mindset’ so you can avoid the common pitfalls and errors English speakers make – because I made them once too! I break everything down in such a way that it ‘clicks’ and just makes sense.

No matter what your level is, there is an Intrepid Italian course for you, including:

You can join 1, 2, or all 3 courses, it’s entirely up to you. The best part is that you have lifetime access so you learn anytime, anywhere and on any device.

As your guide, I walk you through each lesson, step-by-step, using my unique 80/20 method. My approach is different from traditional methods because I teach you the most important 20% of the language right from the beginning so you can start to speak straight away.

Each course includes video lessons, audio exercises, downloadable worksheets, bonus guides, a private support community, and lifetime access all designed to streamline your learning while having fun.

It even comes with my famous “Celebrate with a Spritz Guarantee”. After 30 days of using Intrepid Italian, if you don’t want to celebrate your new-found Italian skills with an Aperol Spritz, you don’t have to pay a penny! Cheers! 🥂
Join Intrepid Italian here and start learning today! Ci vediamo lì! (See you there!)

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Over to you!

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