Home Language HacksItalian How to use CI and NE in Italian with QUIZ & FREE PDF📚

How to use CI and NE in Italian with QUIZ & FREE PDF📚

Not sure when and how to use CI and NE in Italian? This guide includes everything you need to know.

by Michele
How to use CI and NE in Italian
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Lost or unsure how to use ci and ne in Italian? Do these 2 letter words leave you wondering what on earth you were thinking when you decided to study this language? Don’t worry, even native Italians find these little words confusing and often use them out of habit rather than because they are aware of the grammar rules behind them! 

The main challenge is that these two tiny words don’t have direct equivalents in English and serve different purposes, which make them tricky to master at first. So, let’s dive into this together and make sense of it all. Oh, and don’t forget to take the free quiz at the end to see how much you’ve learned!

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Don't let the learning stop here. Download your free PDF guide and learnhow to use CI and NE in Italian. Includes examples sentences.Impariamo insieme!(Let's learn together!)

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By the way, want to improve your Italian quickly and having fun doing it? I thought so! If you’re a beginner, I recommend Intrepid Italian, my comprehensive self-paced programme that teaches you through the power of my unique 80/20 method. The course covers everything you need to know as a beginner in Italian. Join now for lifetime access and my 30-Day “Celebrate with a Spritz” money-back guarantee by clicking here.

Or if you’re already at the intermediate level, why not enrol in Intrepid Italian for Advanced Beginners (A2) or Intrepid Italian for Intermediates (B1), my more advanced programmes that helps you master the trickiest aspects of Italian grammar while as you edge closer to fluency in Italian.

Table to Contents

Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide. Click on any title to jump to each section.

What are CI and NE in Italian?

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Ci exampleCi and ne are pronominal particles, which means their main job is to replace words or whole parts of a sentence to avoid repetition and redundancy in texts and conversations.

Let’s see a couple of examples:

  • A: Vuoi del gelato? (Do you want some ice-cream?)
  • B: Sì, vorrei un pò di gelato (Yes, I I’d like some ice-cream) → Sì, ne vorrei un pò – Yes, I’d like some

See that, by substituting di gelato (of ice-cream) with the particle ne, the answer becomes much smoother?

  • A: Siete mai stati a Tropea? (Have you ever been to Tropea?)
  • B: Sì, andiamo a Tropea ogni estate (Yes, we go to Tropea every summer) → Sì, ci andiamo ogni estate – Yes, we go there every summer

Similarly, replacing a Tropea (to Tropea) with ci here makes the response more fluid.

Ci and ne are generally positioned before the verb. However, when the verb is in its infinitive, gerund, or imperative form, these particles attach to the end of the verb, forming a single word:

  • A: Hai già pensato all’argomento per la tesi? (Have you already thought about your thesis topic?)
  • B: Sì, ci ho pensato (Yes, I’ve thought about it) / No, non voglio pensarci (No, I don’t want to think about it)

Now let’s see all the main meanings of these two particles and how they work in Italian. 

What does NE mean?

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Ne exampleThe particle ne serves four primary purposes: it can substitute an indirect object pronoun, a possessive adjective, an adverb of place, or a partitive. The good news is that ne never changes because it works with both masculine and feminine nouns, regardless of whether they are singular or plural.

One important thing to note is that when ne carries an accent, as in , it becomes a conjunction and means “neither” or “nor.” For example:

  • Non mi piacciono le melanzane, non ne mangio mai (I don’t like aubergines, I never eat them) → ne stands for le melanzane (aubergines)
  • Non mi piacciono le melanzane le zucchine (I don’t like aubergines nor courgettes) → means “nor”

Ne as an indirect object pronoun

In this role, ne substitutes indirect object pronouns (those indicating to whom or for whom something is done) introduced by the prepositions di (of, about) or da (from/by). Let’s clarify this with some examples:

1. Ne replaces di qualcosa/di qualcuno (of/about something/someone):

  • Antonio è innamoratissimo di Maria, ne parla sempre (Antonio is totally in love with Maria, he always talks about her) → here, ne stands for di Maria (about Maria)
  • Ti va di parlare di quello che è successo? Sì, parliamone! (Do you want to talk about what happened? Yes, let’s talk about it!) → Here, ne stands for di quello che è successo (about what happened) 

2. Ne replaces da qualcosa/da qualcuno (from/by something/someone):

  • Ho conosciuto Anna e ne sono rimasto molto colpito (I met Anna and I was very impressed by her) → Here, ne stands for da lei (by her) 
  • L’incendio ha creato tantissimo fumo, la campagna qui intorno ne è avvolta (The fire created a lot of smoke, the countryside around here is shrouded in it) → Here, ne stands for da esso (by it)

Ne as a possessive adjective

Ne can replace the third-person possessive adjectives suo, sua, loro (his, her, its, their). 

For instance, consider the sentence: Conosco bene Anna e apprezzo la sua schiettezza (I know Anna well and appreciate her frankness). While grammatically correct, you can make it more fluid by saying Conosco bene Anna e ne apprezzo la schiettezza (I know Anna well and appreciate her frankness), where ne stands for la sua  (her).

Here’s another example:

  • Ho già sentito questa parola, ma non ne capisco il significato (I’ve heard this word before, but I don’t understand its meaning) → ne replaces il suo (its)

Ne as an adverb of place

Ne also functions as an adverb of place, replacing phrases like “from this/that place”  that indicate the origin from a specific location. Let’s explore some examples to understand its usage:

  • Che mattinata! Sono entrata in aula per l’esame alle 8 e ne sono uscita solo tre ore dopo! (What a morning! I entered the exam room at 8 and left only three hours later!) → ne stands for dall’aula (from the exam room)
  • Sono andato alla festa, ma me ne sono andato via subito (I went to the party, but left immediately) → ne stands for via dalla festa (from the party)

Additionally, ne as an adverb of place can be used figuratively:

  • Hanno avuto una brutta crisi, ma ne sono usciti (They had a bad crisis, but they got out of it) → ne stands for dalla crisi (from the crisis)
  • Sono stati due anni di inferno, ma ne è uscita più forte (It was two years of hell, but she came out stronger) → ne stands for da quei due anni (from those two years)

Ne as a partitive pronoun

As a partitive pronoun, ne is used to indicate a quantity of something, whether definite or indefinite. 

Definite quantities

When referring to precise quantities, ne is paired with a number or unit of measurement:

  • A: Quanti libri hai comprato? (How many books have you bought?)
  • B: Ne ho comprati tre! (I’ve bought three!) → ne stands for libri (books)

Here is another example:

  • A: Quanto latte hai usato per questa torta? (How much milk did you use for this cake?)
  • B: Ne ho usato mezzo litro (Used half a liter) → ne stands for latte (milk)

It’s important to note that, when ne is followed by a number, the past participle of the verb should match the gender and number of the noun the particle refers to, for example:

  • A: Quanti amici hai invitato? (How many friends have you invited?)
  • B: Ne ho invitati tre (I invited three of them) → ne stands for amici (friend)

Here is another example:

  • A: Quante amiche hai invitato? (How many girlfriends have you invited?)
  • B: Ne ho invitate tre (I invited three of them) → ne stands for amiche (girlfriends)

Similarly, when the sentence specifies a container or unit of measurement, then the past participle agrees with the gender of that container or unit: 

  • Ieri a cena ho esagerato con la pasta: ne ho mangiati due piatti! (Last night at dinner I overdid it with the pasta: I ate two dishes!) → ne stands for piatti (dishes)
  • La farina che producono qui è buonissima, ne ho comprati cinque chili (The flour they make here is so good, I bought five kilos of it) → ne stands for farina (flour)

Indefinite quantities

When ne refers to indefinite quantities, it’s often used with indefinite adjectives and pronouns like un pò (some), qualcuno (some), etc., to indicate a general amount. For example:

  • A: Vuoi dell’insalata? (Would you like some salad?)
  • B: Sì, grazie, ne prendo un pò (Yes please, I’ll take some) → ne stands for insalata (salad)

Here is another example:

  • A: Hai già letto i libri che ti ho regalato? (Have you already read the books I gifted you?)
  • B: Sì, ne ho letto qualcuno (Yes, I’ve read some) → ne stands for libri (books)

Zero quantity

Ne can also be used to indicate zero amounts. In this case, the past participle agrees with the gender of the noun ne refers to but not with the number:

  • A: Quanti panini hai? (How many sandwiches do you have?)
  • B: Non ne ho nessuno, li ho dimenticati a casa! (I have none, I forgot them at home!) → ne stands for panini (sandwiches)

Here is another example:

  • A: Hai assaggiato queste caramelle? (Have you tried these candies?)
  • B: No, non ne ho provata nessuna (No, I haven’t tried any) → ne stands for caramelle (candies)

Talking about the entire quantity

When discussing the entirety of something, you shouldn’t use ne. Instead, use the pronouns lo, la, li, le. Let’s clarify with an example – say that you’re at the butcher and the attendant asks, Quante polpette vuole? (How many meatballs do you want?). You can answer in two ways: 

  • Le voglio tutte (I want them all) → le stands for all the polpette (meatballs), so you’re talking about the entire amount.
  • Ne voglio sei (I want six) → ne stands for some polpette (meatballs), so you’re specifying a part of the quantity.

Pronominal verbs with NE

The particle ne can be found in several pronominal verbs, which are verbs that integrate a pronoun that either emphasize or modify its meaning. 

For instance, andare means “to go,” but andarne means “to be at stake,” as in È una decisione importante, ne va del mio futuro (It is an important decision, my future depends on it).

These verbs are frequently used in everyday Italian, so it’s important to become familiar with them. Below are some of the most common:

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Pronominal verbs with NE - Part 2Fregarsene = to give a damn

  • Non me ne frega niente di quello che pensa la gente – I don’t give a damn what people think

Starne fuori = to stay out of something

  • Stanne fuori, non sono affari tuoi – Stay out of it, it’s none of your business

Non poterne più/Averne piene le scatole/Averne fin sopra i capelli = not being able to take it anymore/being full of it/to have it up to the hair

  • Non ne posso più delle sue bugie – I can’t stand his lies anymore

Farne di tutti i colori = to misbehave, to cause mischief

  • I figli di Mario sono delle pesti, ne fanno sempre di tutti i colori! – Mario’s kids are pests, they always misbehave!

Dirne di tutti i colori = to say all sorts of things (usually in a negative sense)

  • Quando si arrabbia, ne dice di tutti i colori – When he gets angry, he says all sorts of things

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Pronominal verbs with NE - Part 3

Vederne delle belle = to see beautiful things (mostly used sarcastically)

  • Domani inizia la campagna elettorale, ne vedremo delle belle! – Tomorrow the election campaign begins, we’ll see some interesting things!

Valerne la pena = to be worth it

  • Arrivare fino alla cima è stato difficilissimo, ma ne è valsa la pena! Guarda che spettacolo! – Getting to the top was very difficult, but it was worth it! Look how gorgeous!

Saperne una più del diavolo = to have many tricks up one’s sleeve

  • Matteo ne sa sempre una più del diavolo, ma come fa? – Matteo is incredibly smart, how does he do it?

Venirne a capo = to get to the bottom of something

  • Sono ore che provo a risolvere questo esercizio, ma non ne vengo a capo! – I’ve been trying to solve this exercise for hours, but I can’t get to the bottom of it!

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Pronominal verbs with NE - Part 1

Lavarsene le mani = to wash your hands of something, to take no responsibility

  • La guida non si è presentata all’appuntamento e l’agenzia se ne è lavata le mani – The tour guide didn’t show up for the appointment and the agency took no responsibility for it 

Guardarsene bene = to avoid something like the plague

  • Paolo sapeva tutto e se ne è guardato bene dal dirmelo – Paolo knew everything and stirred clear of telling me

Non averne la più pallida idea = not have the faintest idea

  • Ho chiesto a un passante dove possiamo trovare un bagno ma ha detto di non averne la più pallida idea – I asked a passerby is there’s a bathroom nearby, but they said they haven’t got the faintest idea

Finally, there’s a well-known Italian saying that uses the particle ne: morto un papa se ne fa un altro, which literally means “when one pope dies, another one is made.” This expression suggests that nobody is indispensable, similar to the English saying “there are plenty more fish in the sea.” For instance:

Non piangere per quell’idiota di Marco, morto un papa se ne fa un altro! (Don’t cry over that idiot Marco, there are plenty more fish in the sea!)

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What does CI mean?

Like ne, ci is a versatile little word in Italian that remains unchanged in form regardless of gender or number, and carries lots of different meanings. Let’s break down how it’s used.

Ci as a direct object pronoun

Ci functions as a direct object pronoun, replacing the direct object noi (us) in a sentence. Take this example:

Angela ci adora, siamo come figli per lei (Angela loves us very much, we are like children to her) → Here, ci adora (she loves us) means adora noi (she loves us), but saying Angela adora noi, siamo come figli per lei, sounds rather awkward. Swapping noi (us) with the particle ci (us) makes the sentence flow better and sound more natural.

More examples:

  • Chiamaci appena arrivi a casa! (Call us as soon as you get home!) → chiamaci (call us) means chiama noi (call us)
  • Luca mi ha detto che ci ha visto al bar ieri (Luca told me he saw us at the bar yesterday) → ci ha visto (he saw us) means ha visto noi (he saw us)

Ci as an indirect object pronoun

Ci also works as an indirect object pronoun, indicating the recipient or beneficiary of an action. Specifically, it replaces a/con noi, lui, lei, loro (to/with us, him, her, them). Here’s an example to make it clear:

Roberto ci ha regalato i biglietti per il concerto (Roberto gifted us two tickets for the concert) → Here, ci ha regalato (gifted us) means ha regalato a noi (gifted us), but saying Roberto ha regalato a noi due biglietti per il concerto doesn’t sound natural at all. Instead, using the particle ci to replace a noi (to us) makes the sentence more fluid.

More examples:

  • Hai parlato con Laura della festa? No, non ho ancora parlato con lei → No, non ci ho ancora parlato (Have you talked to Laura about the party? No, I haven’t talked to her yet) → ci stands for con lei (with her) 
  • Conosco Paolo e Antonio, lavoro spesso con loro (I know Paolo and Antonio, I often work with them) → Conosco Paolo e Antonio, ci lavoro spesso (I know Paolo and Antonio, I often work with them) → ci stands for con loro (with them)

Ci as a reflexive pronoun

Another common use of ci in Italian is serving as the reflexive pronoun for the first-person plural when conjugating reflexive verbs. This means that when the subject and object of a sentence are identical, this particle is employed to denote this reflexive action with the meaning “ourselves.” 

For instance, in the sentence Ci vestiamo sempre di nero (we always dress in black), ci indicates that the action of dressing is being done by us to ourselves.

More examples:

  • Ricordati che dobbiamo svegliarci presto domani – Remember that we have to wake up early tomorrow
  • Ci siamo addormentati e non abbiamo visto la fine del film – We fell asleep and didn’t watch the end of the movie

Ci as an adverb of place 

The particle ci can replace a noun referring to a place or location in a sentence. Typically, these nouns are introduced by the prepositions a (to), in (in), su (on), or da (to, at).

For example:

  • A: Andiamo a pranzo dai miei domenica? (Shall we go to my parents’ for lunch on Sunday?)
  • B: Non mi va di andarci (I don’t feel like going there) → ci replaces dai tuoi (to your parents’)

Here is another example:

  • A: Sei già salito all’ultimo piano? C’è una vista stupenda! (Have you already gone up to the top floor? There is a wonderful view!)
  • B: No, non ci sono ancora salito, vado subito a vedere! (No, I haven’t been up there yet, I’ll go and see straight away!) → ci replaces all’ultimo piano (to the top floor)

Using C’È and CI SONO in Italian

In its role as an adverb of place, ci can combine with essere (to be) to form the verb esserci, which indicates that something exists, it’s there. This verb is conjugated as c’è (there is – a contraction of ci + è, which are never used separately) for the third person singular and ci sono (there are) for the third person plural. 

For instance, in the sentence Ci sono tantissime cose da vedere a Firenze (There are loads of things to see in Florence), ci sono indicates the presence of many things to see.

More examples:

  • C’è della birra in frigo? – Is there any beer in the fridge?
  • Finalmente c’è il sole – Finally, it’s sunny
  • Non ci sono nuvole all’orizzonte! – There are no clouds on the horizon!

Note: sometimes you might encounter ce n’è/ce ne sono instead of c’è/ci sono. Although they both mean the same in English (there is/there are), ce n’è/ce ne sono are primarily used as responses to questions asking about quantities. Let’s clarify this with some examples:

  • C’è della pasta avanzata – There’s some pasta left
  • A: Quanta pasta è avanzata? – How much pasta is left?
  • B: Ce n’è abbastanza da sfamare un esercito! – There’s enough to feed an army!

Here is another example:

  • Ci sono due birre in frigo – There are two beers in the fridge
  • A: Quante birre ci sono in frigo? – How many beers are in the fridge?
  • B: Ce ne sono solo due – There are only two

Ci as a demonstrative pronoun 

Ci frequently acts as a demonstrative pronoun, replacing words like questo (this), quello (that), ciò (this/that) which point to specific objects or individuals and are commonly introduced by prepositions such as di (about), in (in), su (on), a (about).

For example:

  • Ci penso e ti faccio sapere (I’ll think about it and let you know) → ci means a ciò (about it)
  • Verrò di sicuro, ci puoi contare (I’ll definitely come, you can count on that) → ci means su questo (on that)
  • Non faccio mai colazione, ci sono abituato (I never eat breakfast, I’m used to it) → ci means a ciò (to it)

Pronominal verbs with CI

Similar to ne, the particle ci can also be found in many Italian pronominal verbs, serving to either strengthen or modify their meaning. A great example is the verb cascare, which means “to fall down”, but when combined with ci, it becomes cascarci, meaning “to be tricked.” Here’s a list of common pronominal verbs with ci:

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Pronominal verbs with CI - Part 1

Volerci = to need, to take

  • Quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare a Roma? – How long does it take to arrive in Rome?

Metterci = to need, to take

  • Quanto tempo ci metti per prepararti? – How long does it take you to get ready?

Arrivarci = to understand

  • Proprio non ci arrivi? Sono innamorato di te! – Don’t you get it? I’m in love with you!

Tenerci = to care for

  • Ci tengo molto alla nostra amicizia – I care a lot about our friendship

Entrarci = to have to do with

  • Stefania non c’entra niente, è colpa mia – Stefania has nothing to do with it, it’s my fault

Attenzione!: entrarci (to have to do with) is conjugated with an apostrophe to distinguish it from another verb, centrare, which means “to center,” “to hit the target.”

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Pronominal verbs with CI - Part 2

Starci = to be interested, to be in; in dating vocabulary, it can also mean being interested in initiating a relationship, often with a sexual component.

  • Sabato andiamo al mare, ci state? – Saturday we’re going to the beach, are you in?
  • Marco la corteggia da mesi, ma lei non ci sta – Marco has been courting her for months, but she’s not interested

Vederci = to be able to see, mostly used in expressions like:

  • Non ci vedo più dalla fame! – I’m starving!
  • Voglio vederci chiaro! – I want to understand with absolute clarity

Provarci = to try; in the context of dating, it’s often used to mean “to make a move on someone”

  • Sarà difficile trovare i biglietti, ma vogliamo provarci – Finding tickets will be difficult, but we want to try
  • Antonio ci ha provato con la ragazza di Mauro – Antonio tried to seduce Mauro’s girlfriend

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Pronominal verbs with CI - Part 3

Rimetterci = to lose 

  • Il biglietto non era modificabile e ci ho rimesso i soldi – The ticket couldn’t be changed, so I lost my money

Scapparci = to happen disgracefully, mainly use in the idiom scapparci il morto (someone can die):

  • Quelle maledette buche hanno provocato un brutto incidente,  poteva persino scapparci il morto! – Those darn potholes caused a nasty accident, someone could’ve even ended up dead!

Lì or Ci? – When should you use them?

Ci and are commonly confused because both can be translated to “there.” However, they have different roles in a sentence and cannot be used interchangeably:

is an adverb used to specify the place or location being discussed; it typically follows the verb.

  • Vado la prossima settimana per vedere di persona lo stato dei lavori – I’m going there next week to personally check on the progress of the work

Ci, on the other hand, is a pronoun that replaces a place or location previously mentioned in the conversation; it usually appears before the verb.

  • Hai visto che hanno aperto la mostra? Ci vado la prossima settimana! – Have you seen that they’ve opened the exhibit? I’m going next week!

Top tip for using CI and NE

An effective way to become comfortable with the usage of ci and ne in Italian is to familiarize yourself with the main verbs they commonly accompany.

For example, ne is often used with verbs like parlare (to speak), comprare (to buy), mangiare (to eat):

  • Ne parlo – I talk about that
  • Ne compro – I buy it
  • Ne mangio – I eat

Whereas, ci is frequently paired with verbs like pensare (to think), andare (to go), credere (to believe):

  • Ci penso – I think about that
  • Ci vado – I go there
  • Ci credo – I believe that

Practicing these combinations will help you gain confidence in using these particles across various contexts.

How to use CI and NE in Italian - Top tips

How well do you know CI and NE in Italian? TAKE THIS QUIZ!

Hai capito tutto? (Have you understood everything?). Put your knowledge to the test with a little quiz! Read the sentences and choose which particle is more appropriate to use, ci or ne.

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