Home Language HacksItalian 50+ Fruits in Italian from A-Z with Pictures + FREE PDF 📚

50+ Fruits in Italian from A-Z with Pictures + FREE PDF 📚

Learn all the names of fruit in Italian with this comprehensive guide including example sentences

by Michele
Fruits in Italian - Fruit Truck - Fruttivendolo
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In Italy, fruit is a big part of everyday meals. Whether it’s enjoying a freshly squeezed juice for breakfast, snacking on an apple during the day, or as a sweet ending to a meal, fruit occupies a cherished spot at the Italian dining table. As summer approaches, Italians take their fruit game up a notch with big bowls of macedonia (fruit salad) and slices of prosciutto paired with figs or melon. Buono! Yum! 

To fully immerse yourself in this fruity wonderland, knowing how to say the names of different fruits in Italian is essential. Just imagine shopping at your local fruttivendolo (fruit seller) and confidently asking for some juicy peaches or a bunch of cherries like a native!

In this guide, we’re going to explore the vibrant vocabulary of Italian fruits, with helpful pictures and interesting tidbits about local variants. By the time you finish reading, you’ll be all set to hit the Italian markets and snag your favorite fruits with ease!

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Or if you’re already at the intermediate level, why not enrol in Intrepid Italian for Advanced Beginners (A2) or Intrepid Italian for Intermediates (B1), my more advanced programmes that helps you master the trickiest aspects of Italian grammar while as you edge closer to fluency in Italian.

Table to Contents

Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide. Click on any title to jump to each section.

How to Say FRUIT in Italian

Fruits in Italian - Fruit Seller - FruttivendoloIn Italian, the word “fruit” translates to frutta and is preceded by the definite article la (the). Similar to English, this term is a collective noun encompassing all types of fruit. Here are some examples:

  • Vado al mercato a comprare della frutta – I’m going to the market to buy some fruit
  • Ho preparato una crostata di frutta per domani – I prepared a fruit tart for tomorrow

Frutta remains singular, except in idiomatic expressions like dare i suoi frutti (to bear fruit). For instance:

  • Vedi, il tuo duro lavoro sta dando i suoi frutti! – See, your hard work is paying off!
  • L’investimento comincerà a dare i suoi frutti tra un anno – The investment will start to bear fruit in a year.

Instead, when referring to a single piece of fruit, the word to use is il frutto, which indicates any piece of fruit in general:

  • La banana è un frutto ricco di potassio – The banana is a fruit rich in potassium
  • Mangio sempre un frutto a fine pasto – I always have a piece of fruit the end of the meal

Now let’s look at how fruits are called in Italian.

Summary of all Fruit in Italian

For ease, here’s a recap of all the fruits listed above, along with their singular and plural forms:

English Italian (singular) Italian (plural)
Almond La mandorla Le mandorle
Apple La mela Le mele
Apricot L’albicocca Le albicocche
Avocado L’avocado Gli avocado
Banana La banana Le banane
Bergamot Il bergamotto I bergamotti
Black cherry L’amarena Le amarene
Blackberry La mora Le more
Blackcurrant / Redcurrant Il ribes nero / il ribes rosso I ribes neri / i ribes rossi
Blueberry Il mirtillo I mirtilli
Cashew L’anacardo Gli anacardi
Cedar Il cedro I cedri
Cherry La ciliegia Le ciliegie
Chinotto Il chinotto I chinotti
Clementine La clementina Le clementine
Coconut Il cocco I cocchi
Date Il dattero I datteri
Fig Il fico I fichi
Grape L’uva L’uva
Grapefruit Il pompelmo I pompelmi
Hazelnut La nocciola Le nocciole
Honeydew Il melone bianco I meloni bianchi
Kiwi Il kiwi I kiwi
Lemon Il limone I limoni
Lime Il lime I lime
Lychee Il litchi I litchi
Macadamia La noce macadamia Le noci macadamia
Mango Il mango I manghi
Medlar La nespola Le nespole
Melon Il melone I meloni
Nectarine La pesca noce Le pesche noci
Orange L’arancia Le arance
Papaya La papaya Le papaye
Persimmon Il caco I cachi
Passion fruit Il frutto della passione I frutti della passione
Peanut La nocciolina Le noccioline
Pear La pera Le pere
Peach La pesca Le pesche
Pine nut Il pinolo I pinoli
Pineapple L’ananas Gli ananas
Pistachio Il pistacchio I pistacchi
Plum La prugna / La susina Le prugne / Le susine
Pomegranate Il melograno I melograni
Prickly pear Il fico d’India I fichi d’India
Quince La mela cotogna Le mele cotogne
Raspberry Il lampone I lamponi
Strawberry La fragola Le fragole
Tangerine Il mandarino I mandarini
Walnut La noce Le noci
Watermelon L’anguria / Il cocomero Le angurie / I cocomeri
Wild strawberry La fragolina di bosco Le fragoline di bosco

Common fruits in Italian

Here’s a list of fruits commonly enjoyed in the country along with some fun facts:

Names of Fruits in Italian - A to L

Apple – La mela
Apples hold a significant place in Italian cuisine, with an abundance of varieties, some boasting IGP (Indication of Geographic Protection) and DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) certifications. Top examples include the crisp Val di Non apples from Trentino Alto Adige and the aromatic Pomella from Valle Staffora in Lombardy.

Apricot – L’albicocca
The apricots from Venosta Valley in South Tyrol are particularly revered for their delicate flavor and juicy texture. Each August, the village of Lasa hosts the “Marble and Apricot” festival, celebrating its prized products – local white marble and exquisite apricots.

Avocado – L’avocado
Although avocados are typically associated with more tropical climates, Sicily has become a notable producer due to its warm weather. Sicilian avocados are prized for their creamy texture and rich flavor, making them a beloved addition to Italian cuisine.

Banana – La banana
Italy’s largest banana plantation is located in Palermo, at the Valle dell’Oreto Cooperative, established by a young local entrepreneur.

Bergamot – Il bergamotto
Calabria stands as the global leader in bergamot production, satisfying ninety percent of the world’s demand.

Black cherry – L’amarena
The most famous black cherries in Italy are the Amarene Fabbri from Bologna, famously packaged in white and blue jars.

Blackberry – La mora
If you find yourself in Tuscany towards the end of August, you might want to consider attending the Festa della Mora, a festival dedicated to blackberries held in Vaglia, about 20 km north of Florence.

Blackcurrant / Redcurrant – Il ribes nero / il ribes rosso
Both are prized for their tart flavor and are commonly utilized in jams and desserts.

Blueberry – Il mirtillo
Blueberries are enjoyed fresh or incorporated into various Italian desserts.

Cedar – Il cedro
Another beloved fruit hailing from the sunny Calabria, specifically in an area called the “Riviera dei Cedri” that accounts for about 98% of Italy’s cedar production. Among other things, cedars are used for Cedrata, a bright yellow vintage soft drink that’s still quite popular in the country.

Cherry – La ciliegia
Some of Italy’s finest cherries originate from Vignola, between Modena and Bologna. Annually, in June, the town celebrates this fruit with a festival named “A Vignola, it’s time for Cherries.”

Chinotto – Il chinotto
Chinotto, predominantly cultivated in Liguria, serves as the key ingredient for Chinotto, an Italian soft drink with a uniquely bitter flavor profile that’s often hailed as Italy’s alternative to Coke!

Clementine – La clementina
Clementines are a symbol of fruit excellence in Calabria, particularly in the Piana dei Sibari region along the Ionian coast, where they are also used to produce a popular local juice called Clemì.

Coconut – Il cocco
Some may also refer to it as la noce di cocco (lit. coconut’s nut). The difference between la noce di cocco and il cocco is that la noce di cocco denotes the entire coconut, hard shell included, while il cocco refers to the white inner fruit and is the more commonly used term in Italian. Here’s a fun fact: while relaxing on an Italian beach, you might hear vendors shouting Cocco, cocco bello! (lit. coconut, beautiful coconut) as they carry buckets of fresh coconut pieces for sale.

Date – Il dattero
Dates are especially popular during the Christmas season in Italy, often covered in chocolate or filled with nuts. This tradition stems from Christian folklore, where it’s believed that during childbirth, Mary leaned against a palm tree, which dropped three dates that provided her with strength. Additionally, dates are exchanged as Christmas gifts, a custom possibly originating from ancient Rome, where they symbolized good luck and were gifted to friends and family.

Fig – Il fico
Figs undergo two harvests annually in Italy: those gathered between May and June, known as fioroni (lit. big flowers), tend to be larger, while fichi veri (lit. real figs), collected between August and September, are slightly smaller. 

Grape – L’uva
The word uva is commonly used in Italian as an uncountable noun to denote grapes in general, so Italians typically refrain from using the plural form. However, an exception arises when discussing specific grape varieties used in winemaking, such as uve a bacca rossa (red grapes) or uve Pinot Nero (Pinot Nero grapes).

Grapefruit – Il pompelmo
Try blending prosecco with grapefruit juice and a splash of Blue Curacao, and you’ll whip up a refreshing Blue Prosecco in no time. Give it a try, it’s an excellent drink

Honeydew – Il melone giallo
Also called meloni d’inverno (winter melons) because they are harvested in summer but kept until December, honeydew melons are often served during Christmas to provide a refreshing contrast to the hearty meal.

Kiwi – Il kiwi
Italy is one of the top producers and exporters of kiwi in the world, alongside China and New Zealand. The kiwis produced in Latina, near Rome, hold the prestigious IGP (Indication of Geographic Protection) label, a distinction shared by only one other European kiwi, which is from France.

Lemon – Il limone
A classic gelato flavor and the primary ingredient of the iconic Limoncello, the lemon is Italy’s quintessential citrus fruit. The main varieties are Limone di Sorrento, known for its oval shape and particularly sour taste; Limone di Amalfi, which has low acidity; and the juicy Limone di Siracusa.

Lime – Il lime
Though considered an exotic fruit, lime is also cultivated in Italy, mainly in the sunny regions of Sicily and Calabria, which provide the perfect climate for growing this tangy citrus fruit.

Names of Fruits in Italian - L to ZLychee – Il litchi
Lychees, like dates, often grace the Christmas tables of many Italian families as they are believed to bring good luck. 

Mango – Il mango
Mango is particularly common in southern Italy and is a highly appreciated exotic fruit. Its popularity has soared to the point where it is being incorporated into traditional Italian dishes, such as carbonara, where eggs are replaced with cooked and blended mango!

Medlar – La nespola
The nespola (medlar) is known for its long ripening time. This has led to the Italian saying, Con il tempo e con la paglia maturano le nespole (lit. with time and straw, the medlars will ripen), symbolizing the virtue of patience and the eventual arrival of a solution.

Melon – Il melone
The quintessential Italian melon is the Melone Mantovano IGP, cultivated in the regions of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. Known for its particularly juicy and sweet orange flesh, it is typically paired with prosciutto, creating a delightful contrast between sweet and savory.

Orange – L’arancia
Italy is the second-largest producer of oranges in Europe after Spain, with Sicily being the top-producing region. Oranges also play a central role in a unique Italian carnival celebration, the Battle of the Oranges, which takes place in Ivrea, in Piedmont. During this event, locals divide into teams and reenact a 19th-century revolt against a local baron by throwing oranges at each other.

Quince – La mela cotogna
Only one hundred hectares are dedicated to quince cultivation in Italy, primarily in Lombardy and Veneto. When in season, Italians create a delightful dessert by baking the quinces with a sprinkle of sugar and serving them with vanilla ice cream. A true delight!

Papaya – La papaya
Papaya cultivation is on the rise in southern Italy, particularly in Sicily, and is becoming a popular ingredient in Italian cuisine. One notable dish featuring papaya is papaya and red shrimp risotto, which sounds delicious.

Persimmon – Il caco
Cachi (persimmons) are not only a delicious fruit but also the subject of a humorous song titled “La Terra dei Cachi” (lit. the land of persimmons) by Elio e Le Storie Tese, which humorously addresses various issues in Italy.

Passion fruit – Il frutto della passione
Another exotic addition to Italy’s produce, thriving particularly well in Sicily. It’s often featured in dessert recipes, with a classic pairing being panna cotta.

Pear – La pera
Pears are another major fruit in Italy, with Emilia-Romagna  producing 70% of the national output. A popular way to enjoy them is paired with cheese or as a snack, such as on a slice of bread topped with ricotta, pear slices, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar.

Peach – La pesca
Pesca refers to the common peach, characterized by its velvety skin and juicy pulp. In contrast, pesca noce denotes the nectarine, which has smooth skin and firmer, crisper flesh. Interestingly, the word pesca in Italian extends beyond fruit; it also translates to “fishing”! Fun fact: ever heard of Pesche di Prato? Despite the name, these are not fruits but a delightful dessert consisting of two brioche dough hemispheres soaked in Alchermes liqueur, filled with pastry cream, and dusted with sugar.

Pineapple – L’ananas
The poor ananas (pineapple) often sparks lively debates when it comes to Italian customs, especially concerning the controversial pineapple pizza! Interestingly, another Italian word for pineapple is ananasso, an ancient word rarely used today but occasionally heard in conversation.

Plum – La prugna / La susina

The word prugna typically refers to plums with an elongated, almost oval shape and a dense flesh, often with purple skin. Conversely, susina denotes rounder plums with softer pulp and skin colours ranging from purple to yellowish hues.

Pomegranate – Il melograno

Though technically known as melagrana, in everyday Italian, the word melograno, which refers to the pomegranate tree, is more commonly used for the fruit. This delicious fruit holds significant cultural value, earning its place in Botticelli’s renowned painting, “La Madonna della Melagrana,” housed in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

Prickly pear – Il fico d’India
Wandering through a Sicilian market, you may hear vendors enthusiastically shouting Bastardoni, bastardoni freschi! Despite the eyebrow-raising connotation of the word bastardo (“bastard” in English), in this context, it simply denotes a specific variety of prickly pear – larger, juicier, and harvested in the fall. In contrast, the agostani variety is smaller and ripens in August.

Raspberry – Il lampone
This delightful fruit isn’t just a treat for the taste buds; they’ve also made their mark on Italian music culture! Alongside bananas, they take center stage in Gianni Morandi’s famous song “Banane e Lampone.”

Strawberry – La fragola
Strawberries hold a cherished place in Italy’s culinary landscape, featuring in an array of dishes and desserts. One particularly delightful recipe is a summer twist on the traditional tiramisù, where strawberries and ricotta cheese replace the usual cocoa and mascarpone cheese.

Tangerine – Il mandarino
Mandarini (tangerines) share similarities with their cousin, the clementine (clementines), in size and shape. What’s different is that they contain seeds and have slightly less juicy flesh. Mandarini also serve as a key ingredient for the Mandarinetto, an interesting alternative to the classic Limoncello.

Watermelon – L’anguria
In Italy, watermelon is also known as cocomero, a term derived from the fruit’s botanical classification, Cucumis citrullus, in Latin. While anguria is more commonly used, cocomero is popular in the southern regions of the country.

Wild strawberry – La fragolina di bosco
Nemi, a town nestled amidst the hills just outside Rome, is renowned for its wild strawberries, which flourish in the wooded areas surrounding a serene lake. The town hosts an annual Strawberry Festival, eagerly anticipated by locals and visitors alike.

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Nuts in Italian

Collectively known as frutta secca (dry fruit), nuts add flavor and texture to many Italian dishes, from Tuscany’s panforte to Mantua’s Sbrisolona cake. Take note: if you need to say “I’m allergic to nuts” in Italian, you would use Sono allergico/a alla frutta secca.

Here are some of the most commonly used varieties:

Almond – La mandorla
Almonds feature prominently in Italian gastronomy, from the classic amaretti cookies to the almond paste used in various desserts.

Cashew – L’anacardo
While not as commonly used as some other nuts in Italian cooking, anacardi (cashews) find their way into creamy sauces or as a crunchy topping in salads.

Hazelnut – La nocciola
Nocciole (hazelnuts) are a celebrated product of Italy, especially in Piedmont, where they are famously transformed into the iconic Nutella spread.

Macadamia – La noce macadamia
Although not native to Italy, macadamia nuts are gaining popularity in the country, contributing a buttery richness to both sweet and savory dishes.

Peanut – la nocciolina
Peanuts are a classic choice for aperitivo nibbles. They are also called arachidi, a more technical term referring to the fruit of the plant.

Pine nut – Il pinolo
Pine nuts add a unique flavor to dishes like pesto genovese and various pastries, like frittelle pinoli e uvetta (pine nut and raisin fritters) – delicious!

Pistachio – Il pistacchio
Pistachios are an especially popular nut in Italy, particularly in the Sicilian town of Bronte near Mt. Etna, where they are revered as one of the region’s culinary treasures. From pistachio gelato to pistachio-infused pesto, these nuts take center stage in a variety of dishes.

Walnut – La noce
Noci are a key ingredient for the Nocino, a spirit renowned for its captivating aroma and traditionally enjoyed as a post-meal treat. Some of the finest Italian walnuts are harvested in the Sorrento area. Take note: if you need to say “I’m allergic to nuts” in Italian, you would use Sono allergico/a alla frutta secca.

Names of fruit trees in Italian

Fruits in Italian - Fruit tree - Quince TreeIn Italian, while most fruit names are feminine nouns, fruit trees are mostly masculine. To convert a fruit name into the corresponding fruit tree name, simply change the feminine ending -a to the masculine ending -o. As easy as that! For example:

  • La pesca (peach) > Il pesco (peach tree)
  • La banana (banana) > Il banano (banana tree)
  • La nespola (medlar) > Il nespolo (medlar tree)

However, there are 3 exceptions:

Some fruits maintain the same spelling but change the gender of the article:

  • La noce (walnut) > Il noce (walnut tree)

Masculine fruits keep the same spelling for both the fruit and the fruit tree:

  • Il limone (lemon) > Il limone (lemon tree)
  • Il fico (fig) > Il fico (fig tree)
  • Il pistacchio (pistachio) > Il pistacchio (pistachio tree)

In some cases, the fruit tree has a completely different name compared to the fruit:

  • L’uva (grape) > La vite (grapevine).

How to talk about fruit in Italian

When discussing fruit in Italian, it’s useful to learn some additional vocabulary:

  • Dolce – sweet, as in Questa mela è molto dolce (This apple is very sweet)
  • Aspro – sour, as in I limoni sono piuttosto aspri (Lemons are rather sour)
  • Acerbo – unripe, as in Quelle pesche sono così acerbe che non si possono mangiare (those peaches are so unripe that you can’t eat them)
  • Maturo – ripe, as in Mi serve un melone maturo da mangiare oggi (I need a ripe melon to eat today)
  • Buccia – skin, as in La buccia della frutta è ricca di vitamine (The peel of fruit is rich in vitamins)
  • Semi – seeds, as in Questi mandarini sono pieni di semi (These tangerines are full of seeds)
  • Nocciolo – stone, as in Ho piantato un nocciolo di avocado (I planted an avocado stone)
  • Grappolo – bunch, as in Mi dia quel grappolo d’uva (Please give me that bunch of grapes)
  • Frutta di stagione – seasonal fruit, as in Compro solo frutta di stagione (I only buy seasonal fruit)
  • Frutta a km zero – locally grown fruit, as in Gli agriturismi della zona vendono frutta a km zero (The farmhouses in the area sell locally sourced fruit)
  • Macedonia – fruit salad, as in Ti va della macedonia con gelato? (Would you like some fruit salad with ice cream?)

Common Italian phrases when shopping for fruit

Names of Fruits in ItalianNow that you’re familiar with the essential vocabulary, let’s explore some phrases useful for purchasing fruit at the market or from the fruttivendolo (the fruit seller):

  • Vorrei delle mele per favore – I’d like some apples please
  • Vorrei un melone da mangiare oggi per favore – I’d like a melon to eat today, please
  • Avete delle fragole? – Do you have any strawberries?
  • Sono dolci questi mandarini? – Are these tangerines sweet?
  • Potrei avere mezzo chilo di pere? – Could I have half a kilo of pears, please?

Italian expressions with fruit

In Italian language and culture, fruits are often used metaphorically to convey ideas beyond their literal meanings. Here are some common fruit-related phrases frequently used in everyday conversations:

  • Essere alla frutta (lit. to be at the fruit) = to hit rock bottom, usually referring to a challenging situation.
  • Spremere come un limone (lit. to squeeze like a lemon) = to exploit someone or something to the fullest, using all their resources or energy. 
  • La ciliegina sulla torta (lit. the little cherry on the cake) = something wonderfully positive that happens at the end of an event, perfectly completing it.
  • Non m’importa un fico secco (lit. I don’t care about a dried fig) =  complete indifference towards something or someone.
  • Non valere un fico secco (lit. not worth a dried fig) = something or someone entirely worthless.
  • Fico! (lit. fig!) = someone who’s cool or attractive, mainly used in youth slang. A similar term, figo, is commonly used to compliment someone playfully. It’s essential to note that the feminine version of fico, fica, has a vulgar connotation, meaning “cunt.”
  • Fare la figura del peracottaro (lit. to make the figure of the pear cooker ) = to make a bad impression, to be incompetent in your job. This Italian idiom comes from vendors who once sold cooked pears in local markets, which were often seen as low-quality products.
  • Prendere in castagna (lit. to catch in the chestnut) = to catch someone while they are committing a crime or a disgraceful action.
  • Essere una mela marcia (lit. to be a rotten apple) = to be dishonest or corrupt. 
  • Cadere come una pera cotta (lit. to fall like a baked pear) = to easily fall into a trap. It’s also used ironically to depict someone who suddenly and deeply falls in love.
  • Limonare (lit. to lemon) =  to kiss passionately, an Italian slang verb used by youngsters commonly used among young people.
  • Fare come la volpe con l’uva (lit. to act like the fox with grapes) = to show contempt or disinterest for something desired but unattainable.
  • Farsi una pera (lit. to make oneself a pear) = to inject oneself drugs, especially heroin. It’s a common reflexive verb among drug addicts.
  • Avere la pelle a buccia d’arancia (lit. to have orange peel skin) = to have the skin textured like the surface of an orange peel (aka the cellulite!)
  • Scivolare su una buccia di banana (lit. to slip on a banana peel) = to make a misstep that leads to trouble or embarrassment
  • Essere una macedonia (lit. to be a fruit salad) = to be a mix of different things
  • Essere frutto di… (lit. to be fruit of) = to be the result of something
  • Mettere a frutto (lit. to put to fruit) = to put to good use, to use something in a productive manner.
  • Cogliere il frutto quando è maturo (lit. to seize the fruit when it’s ripe) = to know how to act at the right moment, seizing a favorable opportunity.
  • Frutto proibito (lit. forbidden fruit) = anything that’s forbidden or restricted, particularly pleasures or desires.
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50 Names of Fruit in Italian

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