Home Language HacksCzech Survival Czech Travel Phrase Guide with Pronunciation

Survival Czech Travel Phrase Guide with Pronunciation

by Michele Frolla
Czech Phrases Travel Phrase Guide with pronunciation
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Sitting on top of the tourist bucket list is the Czech Republic, giving travellers a taste of Central Europe. Get to know the locals with these Czech phrases.

Although it’s one of Europe’s smaller nations, the Czech Republic doesn’t disappoint travellers looking for a taste of Central Europe. It’s extremely affordable, boasts some of the best beer in the world, contains excellent national parks, is full of charming old villages and towns (many unchanged since medieval times), is home to fine old churches, palaces, and public squares, and of course, has that famous astronomical clock dating back to 1410.

Since Prague is a top popular destination amongst tourists, I wanted to create a Czech travel phrase guide as part of my ongoing travel guide series that encourages travellers to learn the local lingo (even if English is spoken). I mean, what’s the point in travelling unless you put yourself out there and learn a thing or two? You never know who you’ll meet and what new friends you’ll make.

Although the Czech language can be difficult to learn, I still recommend trying to learn a few phrases. The Czechs will welcome your effort and will be all the more willing to help you.

I’ve asked a dear Czech friend, (who I met when I first moved to London) to help me create this guide and provide all the pronunciations, so you won’t have to learn the Czech alphabet!

Want to have fun whilst learning Czech? Struggling to find decent Czech language resources? I recommend getting uTalk. Available as a desktop site and app, uTalk is awesome for learning key words and phrases in Czech especially if you want to use it for travel purposes.  It’s great for beginners getting started in a language and invaluable for intermediates looking to fill in gaps in their vocabulary and pronunciation. 

What I love most about uTalk is that you can jump around their extensive library of topics and choose what you want to learn, when you want, and at your own pace.  Because I believe in uTalk so much, I reached out to them and we’ve teamed up to offer you an exclusive 30% OFF reader discount across all of uTalk’s 140 languages! This offer isn’t available anywhere else! Click here to claim your exclusive 30% discount.

Let’s take a quick look at the Czech language so you’re a bit more clued up on its origin, use, and vocabulary.

I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed bringing it together. If you have any requests for other languages, let me know in the comments section!

Where is Czech spoken?

The official language of the Czech Republic is Czech, which is spoken by over 96% of its inhabitants, or by 10 million people. But don’t worry, even if you don’t master my Czech travel phrase guide, you’ll have no problems communicating in English in most towns, or even in German! What’s interesting is that older people often speak Russian and German.

There are also Czech speakers in Portugal, Poland, Germany and the USA. Czech is closely related to Slovak, Polish and Sorbian.

A Brief History of Czech

Traditionally, the region where Czech is spoken is called Bohemia, nowadays the Czech Republic. It was named after the Boii tribe, who, according to Roman sources, have inhabited the area since the 1st century AD.

The dialects spoken in Moravia are also considered forms of Czech. The language of Bohemia was known as Bohemian until the early 20th century when it became known as Czech.

Czech literature started to appear in the 13th century. But after many years of Austrian rule, during which German was the main language, there was a revival of Czech literature at the end of the 18th century.

The most prominent writer during the early period of Czech literature was Jan Hus (1369-1415), Jan is perhaps best remembered for reforming the Czech spelling. He created the system of having one letter for every sound simply by adding accents to the letters.

Now for the tricky stuff!

Pronunciation Tips

The Czech alphabet has 32 vowels and consonants. What makes things easier is that the consonants are pronounced the same way as in English! Hurrah!

If you want to take this seriously, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Vowels with an accent (ý, í, á, é, ú) or a small circle (ů), are long.
  • The specific accent placed on some consonants and vowels (š, č, ř, ž, ě) modifies the pronunciation of the letter. For example, š is pronounced “sh”, č is pronounced “tsh”, and ě is pronounced “ye”.
  • The letter “r” is pronounced similarly as in Spanish in that it is rolled.

You will often see several consonants one after the other in many Czech words as if the use of vowels had completely been forgotten… a nice challenge for most foreigners who can expect many fits of laughter when trying to read signs and other writings in the streets of Prague!

Just remember that the appearance of an accent doesn’t mean a vowel is stressed. It just means it’s long. Czech is basically an unstressed language, meaning all syllables are given equal stress, but the (light) stress is always on the first syllable.


Czech vocabulary derives primarily from Slavic, Baltic and other Indo-European roots.

Some loanwords have been restructured by folk etymology to resemble native Czech words such as hřbitov meaning “graveyard” and listina meaning “list”.

Most Czech loanwords originated in one of two time periods. Earlier loanwords, primarily from German, Greek and Latin, arrived before the Czech National Revival.

The more recent loanwords derive primarily from English and French, and also from Hebrew, Arabic and Persian. Many Russian loanwords, mainly animal names and naval terms, also exist in Czech.

Some Czech words have been borrowed as loanwords into English and other languages, for example, robot (from robota, “labor”) and polka (from polka, “Polish woman” or from “půlka” “half”)

Czech belongs to the “synthetic” language group, which means that unlike English and other “analytical” languages, different grammatical aspects are expressed in one word by changing the structure of that word by adding a suffix or prefix, modifying the core of the word.

In analytical languages such as English, the same is achieved by using separate auxiliary verbs, pronouns or adjectives while the actual word remains unchanged.

In Czech, one word is often sufficient to express what English can only achieve by using multiple words!

P.S. If you’re reading this on your phone and can’t see the pronunciation column, turn it to landscape mode. For some reason tables aren’t mobile friendly. Sorry!

Czech Phrases for Travellers

Basic Czech Phrases for Travellers

Want the infographic to take with you? Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Eating Out
Getting Around

English Czech Pronunciation


Hello Ahoj a-hoy
Good morning Dobré ráno dob-reh ra-noh
Good evening Dobrý večer dob-ree ver-chair
Good night Dobrou noc dob-roo nots
Goodbye Ahoj a-hoy
How are you? Jak se máš? yak se marsh
I’m well, and you? Jde to a ty? yee-deh toh ah teh
Good, thanks Dobře, děkuji dob-je geh-kweh


Please Prosím proh-sim
Thank you Děkuji geh-kweh
You’re welcome Nemáš zač neh-my zatch
Yes Ano a-no
No Ne neh-my zach
Excuse me Promiňte proh-min-ee-teh
I’m sorry Omlouvám se om-loh-vaam seh
I don’t understand Nerozumím neh-roh-zah-mim
Do you speak English? Mluvíš anglicky? mloo-vish ang-gli-skee


How much is…? Jak moc je…? yek moht yeh
Where is…? Kde je…? geh-day-yeh
When? Když? geh-dish
May I please have…? Mohu prosím …? mo-hoo proh-sim

Eating Out

Beer Pivo peh-voh
Wine Víno vee-noh
Water Voda vo-dah
I don’t eat… Nejiji … nay-yee
I’m a vegetarian Jsem vegetarián sam ve-geh-tar-ree-aan
The bill, please Účet, prosím oo-chet proh-sim

Getting Around

Left Vlevo vleh-voh
Right Pravo prah-voh
Straight ahead Přímo vpřed pree-moh predt
Turn left Odbočit vlevo od-botch-it vleh-voh
Turn right Odbočit vpravo od-botch-it pra-voh
Bus stop Autobusová zastávka au-toh-bu-so-vah zas-taf-kah
Train station Vlakové nádraží vla-ko-veh na-dra-gee
Airport Letiště leh-kish-keh
Entrance Vchod foht
Exit Výstup vee-stoop


1 jeden yeh-den
2 dva d-vah
3 tři tree
4 čtyři ch-teh-reh
5 pět pyet
6 šest shehst
7 sedm seh-doom
8 osm oh-soom
9 devět deh-vet
10 deset deh-set
20 dvacet d-vah-set
30 třicet tree-set
40 čtyřicet ch-teh-reh-set
50 padesát pa-da-saat
60 šedesát sheh-deh-saat
70 sedmdesát seh-doom-deh-saat
80 osmdesát oh-soom-deh-saat
90 devadesát deh-va-da-saat
100 sto stoh


Monday pondělí pohn-dyeh-lee
Tuesday úterý oov-teh-ree
Wednesday středa streh-dah
Thursday čtvrtek chtvr-tehk
Friday pátek paa-tehk
Saturday sobota soh-boh-tah
Sunday Neděle neh-dyeh-leh


Help! Pomoc! poh-mots
I need a doctor Potřebuji lékaře poh-tree-bo-ee lehk-ah-reh
I don’t feel well Necítím se dobře neh-zee-keem seh dob-jeh
Call the police! Zavolat policii! zah-voh-laat poh-li-zee-yee
Fire! Oheň! o-hen-yeh

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Czech Phrases - czech travel phrase guide with pronunciation

Over to you!

Which of these Czech phrases are the most useful? What other languages would you like a travel phrase guide for? Are you planning a trip to the Czech Republic or have already been there?
Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post.

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Alice August 18, 2018 - 22:29

We are planning a trip to Prague next year to attend a wedding. My daughter has been trying to learn a little Czech, but her pronunciation seems a little different. She says “dekuiji” as ” deh-kwee”. Is this incorrect, or are there regional variations? Thanks!

Michele August 20, 2018 - 00:41

HI Alice, that’s wonderful. I’ve juts confirmed with a native that her pronunciation is correct. The ‘d’ is soft. Hope this helps :) Have a wonderful trip!


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